Garmin G1000 NXi Issues and Support

Looks completely normal.

Ya, it is tough. On a good day my eyesight is 20/15. So far, the zooming stuff becomes very distracting. So it is not your eyesight. I go back to FSX to take a break.

For me it’s not so much the size but the font colours used. That green used on the EIS does not give a good enough contrast to the black background. It could be improved just by using a green that gives a much better contrast to the black. Similar to the AP strip.

Is there any way to get Navigraph Charts embedded in the G1000NXI

Not a possibility currently.


How you can be clear/sure with your answer? It’s ok because you have it in your HW and then all is ok? Something strange with your answer

It’s probably because he is correct. :slightly_smiling_face: From the SU10 Release Notes:

  • Important G1000 NXi Note: The G1000 NXi is now default in SU10, however it will only display in default sim aircraft equipped with the G1000. To enable the G1000 NXi in third party G1000-equipped aircraft, please install and/or update the version of the G1000 NXi available from the Marketplace to ensure you have v0.14.

You will have two: one that is 1.0.x, and if you opted for also this Marketplace bridge package for third party planes, 0.14.

Matt :slight_smile:

I don’t have 1.0.x so I have some chaos again also from your description.

That is not possible, unless somehow you never updated to SU10 or 11. I would check your Content Manager again.

Matt pls,

I have in my post screenshot from my directory, I have there only 3 your products, 2x G1000NxI and one VFR map??? What G1000 NxI package has 1.0.x version? I only ask because I started to have some chaos here.

There is no way for me to tell that from a screenshot.

You need to validate in the sim Content Manager that you have the right packages with the right versions.


I’ve dig into manifest and there are infos, one is 0.14.0 (G1000nxi) and other is 1.1.0 (
G1000). Am I missing something???

Please use the Content Manager in the sim to check the package versions.

Same as I said with manifest,

one is 0.14.0 and next one 1.1.0 but my first question was only about that WT directory structure, nothing more, if that 2 nxi are ok, existing there. Ok, you said about base and next as 3-rd party bridge, this is ok to me as answer, also this I was expected also in my first question.

workingtitle-g1000nxi >>>


workingtitle-instruments-g1000 >>>


I understand that, but the Official folder is managed by the sim, and thus should be validated only from inside the sim, as package/folder names and such can change over time. You appear to have the correct package versions per the Content Manager.

Ok, thnx, this is enough for me as answer :wink:

but what is that your mentioned 1.0.x?

Digitus tribulationis possibly :wink:

Garmin G1000 Trainer on USB - cost approx. $55 USD

Has anyone tried this?
If so, and if it is worthwhile getting, does anyone have any idea if there are distributors/vendors in the UK?
I have looked online and cannot see anyone here in UK selling it.
Thanks in advance, Alasdair (aka Flybasher

I am not getting any audio output from the G1000 flying the Cessna 172. No altitude beeps, minimum audio warning, etc. Any ideas what setting I might have turned off?