Gift card for MSFS marketplace purchases?

Hi everyone - I was hoping to buy a gift card for my friend so he can get anything from the MSFS marketplace for his PC standard edition. So, would I get him an XBox Gift Card or a Microsoft Gift Card? I’m not familiar with purchasing on the MSFS Marketplace, so I don’t know what forms of payment it would take. Any help you could offer would be appreciated - thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @MorphMan24,
According to MS, the MS Gift Card can be used for games as well as anything else MS. :wink:

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And if your friend has the steam edition, you can use the steam gift cards!

Thanks for the responses, much appreciated. And, also from that link provided by @Hester40MT, it looks like there’s no difference b/w Microsoft & XBox Gift Card


Note that the MS gift card only works if they own the sim through the Windows Store

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So if I buy a MS gift card, the person is going to use it can purcahse an aircraft in the msfs store for example?

Hi @RomanPlot613126,
According to the MS Store Gift Card:

" Can I buy in-app products with a gift card?

Yes and no. Most products offered in games and apps like map packs, new levels, and coins can be purchased with a gift card, but some apps like subscriptions require a credit card."

To be sure you can use the gift card for in-game marketplace, contact Microsoft via chat:
Buy Microsoft Gift Card – Digital Code - Microsoft Store

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