Hello everybody. At the moment there is no glider or sailplane available. Please raise your voice if you - like me - love flying without engine.
The sad thing after playing FS2020 for two days at 20.Aug.2020 is that there is no thermals weather model. And without thermals no soaring and no fun with a glider model. The best solution would be that both thermals weather model and sailplane model come from the same source. And the very best would be to get it free from Microsoft .
Update 22.Aug.: I did some ridge lift gliding with Cessna 152 near KAFF. See https://youtu.be/VKOLf6WL78I
Update 11.Sep.: I converted the Aerosoft FSX sailplane ASK21-Mi to FS2020. Thanks to Chris Evans - Nodd and Alex Marko. The result you see on https://youtu.be/tYWJLoKnfSQ
Update 13.Sep.: FS2020 version has NO convergence zone thermals. I use the converted FSX ASK21-Mi model near LPPR in Portugal. See FS2020 ASK21-Mi no convergence zone thermals - YouTube Please improve Microsoft/Asobo!
Some ridge lift gliding with ASK21-Mi FS2020 ASK21-Mi sailplane U14 ridge lift gliding - YouTube
Update 15.Sep.: I used FSX:SE and CumulusX to make a thermals soaring video. See FSX ASH25 LPPR sailplane thermal soaring CumulusX - YouTube and WinchX to make a winch start. See FSX ASH25 LPPR sailplane winch start WinchX - YouTube
Update 16.Sep.: Wolfgang Piper has the āSchulgleiter SG-38ā glider which converts nicely from FSX to FS2020. See my slip landing FS2020 SG-38 glider LXGB slip landing - YouTube
Update 18.Sep.: My aircraft selector in FS2020 has some entries from converted FSX sailplanes. See FS Segler Teil 2 for Lo 150.
Update 25.Sep.: I made available the Ka6E and ASK 23 sailplane and SG-38 glider from Wolfgang Piper as FS2020 model. See my webpage MSFS 2020 sailplane
Update 29.Oct.: Winch start is working - a little. See FS2020 Ka 6 E sailplane WinchX! start - YouTube . Thanks to Peter LĆ¼rkens for FSX WinchX! and thanks to Keith Bedford to discover it.
Update 16.No.: I can do snap roll now with Pitts S-2S. See FS2020 Pitts S-2S X snap roll - YouTube A snap roll how-to is on How to Snap Roll a Stunt Plane
Update 18.Nov.: Thanks to msfsLegacyImporter version I now have audio variometer. It is a not compensated variometer, but this is the first time I hear the updraft beep, beep, beep from FS2020! See FS2020 ASK 21 audio variometer updrafts downdrafts - YouTube and Ka 6 E winch start audio variometer - YouTube
Update 20.Nov.: The motorized glider Aircreation 582SL is the first FSX model that has a complete conversion with fully working instruments. See FS2020 Aircreation 582SL working panels - YouTube
Update 13.Jan.2021: WE HAVE THERMALS! Alex had a VERY clever idea to make winch start and thermals work. His thermals work without the 3rd party weather system interface that never will come. Please say hooray to Alex! See my first thermals video at FS2020 DG808S first sailplane thermals - YouTube and second DG808S second thermals - YouTube
Update 21.Jan.2021: DG808S version is out. It has the good flight model mod from xp-soaring and the fine instruments from B21. Here is a long video showing everything we have now: FS2020 DG808S winch start, thermals, aerobatics, landing - YouTube
Update 29.Jan.2021: FS2020 version has thermals. Correction: has Dynamic soaring - Wikipedia. Set temperature to maximum. See FS2020 DG808S Reinheim EDUD quarry thermals - YouTube
Update 7.Feb.2021: Ka 6E is our second sailplane using B21 instruments and the first community MSFS 2020 sailplane. It is based on Wolfgang Piperās FSX model. See FS2020 Ka 6E winch start B21 instruments - YouTube
This list compiled by the community:
- Better simulation of adverse yaw
- Waves behind ridges
- Support for Competition tasks (incl. start/finish waypoints, min/max altitude for WP, custom WP radius, max speed limit for WP, Nav Displays showing relevant task data, etc)
- Multiplayer Towplane functionality
- Hypoxemia & Oxygen system
- Synchronized Live Weather in multiplayer
- Competitive Multiplayer modes
- Yaw string taped to the canopy