Glider Tow

Is it possible to be aerotowed to a destination ?

I want to be towed from ground and taken to a point then i can release and glide to land.

All i get ( despite putting destination ) is a tow to overhead at about 3000’ a quick wing wobble and release ?


Would be awesome if this could be done

That’s how it works usually a circuit around airport with a wing wobble to signal cable release

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Thanks - thought as much !! I bought the D Day C47 and glider hoping to ‘recreate’ a Pegasus bridge type landing but best i can therefore do is slew to 6000’ off coast - bit of a waste of money :unamused:
Maybe something in MS2024 :rofl: :rofl:

The gliders then were big (20 soldiers inside?)and heavy!

Have a look at that wish:

Best option is a landing challenge, see my "Glider landing challenges " on
I would do it but am away for a month…