Glider's start - Rudder Signalling Doesn't work

I am on steam and have this issue as well

I had this issue. Wagging the rudder worked in training but not when I created a flight. Then I remembered I had loaded the training exercises after disabling all 268 of the mods I normally load. Then, after systematically enabling and disabling the mods in themed groups, I narrowed it down to CYPK Pitt Meadows. Fortunately there are two free offerings for that airport on Switching to the other fixed the problem.

By the way moving the rudder to each side just once starts Jimmy’s arm a’swinging.

I fixed all the services SPB and XML file structures and recompiled the layout.json files for them and still have the isue

Nope, I don’t.
I usually fly VFR, glider, bus trips, some sightseeing, and generally don’t fly into big airports. Therefore no need in this direction.
All the best.


I do not have this issue at all however, I have an idea which is worth a try…

Make sure the airbrakes are closed properly, if they are not closed properly, (in a real glider you can hear the over-centre lock when closed properly) then the simulator may not allow the launch to proceed? It is just a thought! Perhaps it’s woyrh making sure that the control assignment for the airbrakes is assigned and calibrated properly. Similarly the glider might not launch if the wheel brake is engaged? It could be that certain criteria has been coded-in that need to be met to allow a launch?

I have been going ‘round the box’ doing my control checks with the simulator gliders, (wagging the rudder and ailerons simultaneously) as in RL. The launch then proceeds with no issues. Another instance where it works for some and not for others. The ‘some’ may be doing something different/set-up something differently to the ‘others’.

Make sure airbrakes are assigned to a separate controller axis, (slider) than just the throttle axis.

Occam’s razor perhaps.



What worked for me was to disable the P42 Campout scenery. That one comes with Parallel 42’s Freedom Fox.
I also had no one holding up the wingtip. But after disabling this scenery he magically appeared and helped me to get airborne.

I was able to fix it, there was a services.spb that i missed. Thanks for the help guys!

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

I have narrowed it down to a conflict with scenery, [FJDG, Diego Garcia Air/Naval Base » Microsoft Flight Simulator] (FJDG, Diego Garcia Navy Base for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS)

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Big thank you to the forum.
Only just began with the gliders and the rudder signalling didn’t work. Searched, read, found ENMH addon, edited as discribed above and started flying gliders.
More Info can be found here
Didn’t have one of these bizarre side effect errors in a long time, thanks again.

As have been said above, Issue was caused by AirportServices used by 3rd party developers in sceneries. Most of these affected sceneries were already fixed, so search for update. If you do not know which of your sceneries needs to be updated, just search “Service” in your community folder.

Please, do not blame scenery developers for this issue. Asobo suddenly changed logic in AirportService file in SU 11 without letting anyone know, without single word in SDK Documentation so Players with Developers had to figure out problem on their own, they again had to supply Asobo’s job.



Im having the same issue, the plane isnt towing the glider. The animated person who holds the glider doesnt appear. I tried all the fixes listed above, even deleted completely the community folder and uninstalled the airports with the services.spb and it didnt work. Does anyone have any suggestion?Any fix?Thanks

Running on steam…

Did you check that your rudder is actually moving when you turn your stick or move the pedals? :thinking:

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Yes, rudders are moving. The animated guy who holds the plane on the left isn`t showing.

Then you definitely have some 3rd party addon that clobberes up things… airport? EMNH (don’t recall the correct ICAO code…) ship add-on, something else? :thinking:

Configuration : MSFS from Ms Store, up to date, all related apps etc up to date.
Not using dev mode

Populated Community folder (that has been thoroughly scanned for folder hierarchy anomaly as described above (all “Services” files are in the right place). Tested in vanilla airports as on modded ones from different sources, be free/ payware.
Tested with vanilla gliders and with addon gliders both free/ payware, all up to date.

As for SUXI release, the “rudder signalling” did work for me on all gliders/ all airport addons, with the wing helper present of course.
As for today (I did update MSFS today), no glider will start, from any airport, with the exact same configuration as my last successful glider flight. The wing helper is present, and does move his arm when I shake my rudder. The tow plane is not moving.
I can provide more testing if necessary.

If I do remove all addons, the signalling does work again (tow plane does start). But obviously I will not scan my numerous addon list any more just on a mistake not coming from them. And I will not use MSFS in a vanilla state…

Please ask if I can add support to this issue !

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The bad news here is that you’ve demonstrated that there’s someting in your community folder causing this problem. It’s not the sim at fault, it’s some of the after-market stuff you have installed.

You are the only one who can identify what it is that’s causing the problem, so you can contact that supplier/developer and have them address it - the sim can’t fix someone else’s code!

Your best bet is to use the “divide and conquer” approach - put back half the community folder, and try again; if it is broken, you now know the half that contain the problem to split in half and keep whittling it down, but if not put half the remaining ones back and try again… then ask the developer to address whatever they have done

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As explained, I had a functionnal setup/ install like 2 weeks ago at most. The fact that it is not working anymore is not due to the mods I am using obviously, nor to the mods creators. But it does seem it’s coming from changes on Asobo’s side…

There is no use testing mods that are written as they are supposed if you see my drift :slight_smile:

Also I insist, I can see the wing man at any opportunity, and he does move his arm. Just the tow plane is not reacting. It is not the issue where there’s no tow plane/ no wing man as some players described above.

Lets just agree to disagree then. My suspicion is that there’s something new in your community folder and that’s the cause. You remove the community folder from the equation, and you can’t reproduce what you think of as a “bug” in the sim - so it’s not the sim !
The fact that you can see the wing man means that you haven’t got the same issue and the workaround that was originally reported, but that probably means there’s more than one way that the actual issue comes to the fore.

Also, just for the record, there is no real way that developers know if they’re doing anything “wrong”. Everyone has tested what they think is “right”. There’s been many examples of a 3rd party mod that comes and stomps over Asobo code to try to “fix” what is going on in their product, only to then affect everyone else’s planes that expect to be using the actual Asobo code. It’s just not as well “documented” as we’d all like it to be.

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So my suspition is you have not read my initial post ! Why are you trying to help my case when you are not taking the time to understand it ? MY CONFIGURATION WAS WORKING AND DID NOT CHANGE BESIDES AN MSFS UPDATE. Then it stopped working !

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I fixed this once with a dodgy airport addon that didn’t have the correct format for services.spb , but now on the new beta it’s back. Difference is this time the wing holder is showing, but it won’t trigger.
Previously with the rename services.spb issue the wing holder would not be showing at all.
So it’s a different issue, with different conditions, and possibly a different cause.

Update: Tested with an empty community folder and it still won’t trigger. It is most definately a sim issue. My T16000M is working fine, waggle works fine, wing holder guy is fine, but doofus just sits there whereas before he would wave after a couple of gentle waggles.
I’m on the Aircraft beta, so could be that or a wider issue.

This is ridiculous. Just give us a proper trigger to bind instead.

Can anybody confirm this is working for them and they are on the beta?