Global AI Ship Traffic V2 for MSFS

The older models that create cvt models, mdl are being affected. This is a SU5 issue. My fsx aircraft same thing. But with planes we get ctds, ships no.

I think the reason we don’t get the ctd is the number of different mdl is low in an area when we load as oppose to an airport.

For example, unload into JFK, I ctd, I check ctv file and over 20 files. It was making them for the static aircraft for every livery parked, as well as traffic. Since we don’t have that many ships in one spot, we are good, usually.

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I think you are right - and that goes in line with the more extensive stutter I got at Rio.

I can pretty much confirm your comments about the Rio area, as that’s where my confusion was occurring. I flew that area quite a few times, from SBFL to SBGL, and noticed stutters in the same areas, but a lot of times, didn’t see any ships below me. Glad to see that you confirmed ths same thing.

I don’t have time right now, but can fly the route again this evening, and let you know when I begin to see traffic.

Thanks - that would be great. I did the fly out of SBRJ and stutters happend just after Pao de Azucar - that is 15-20 seconds into the flight; those ships which appeared appeared from the beginning, but many were missing and never appeared even if they showed up in LittleNavMap.

That issue with planes belongs to virtual cockpits it seems - ai aircraft are not affected it seems just like ships. Even at JFK with many mdl ai aircraft my sim does not stall.

Anyway even on ships it’s best to move completely to gltf just like on aircraft - mdl becomes more and more unsupported. Right now just the most basic shader seems to be applied to mdls (diffuse without any beautification layer). That’s the reason planes, ships and other stuff look dull.

I guess the situation will even get worse when moving to DX12 later this year - I remember even FSX was not quiet able to properly display FS9 mdl aircraft (they were missing dynamic selft shading and lacked DX10 support. Turning on DX10 that time the screen was going all white) so it’s most likely time to move on. Also I guess there are performance issues - at least in areas with bunches of mdl based really low quality aircraft frames drop in my case. These drops are created by the main thread which might be caused by MSFS trying to render and load those legacy files.

You have also to keep in mind that in order to display mdl based objects the sim has to actually convert the materials and texture files (MSFS tries to create some albedo textures out of diffuse, specular and normal map - the new shaders *don’t’ support anything else)

To be honest I don’t exactly know when that process happens - if on level load or during flight - but it feels it applies on rendering the object which might have caused the stutter on flying into harbors before SU5. Right now it’s not that significant as performance is saved on other ends :wink:

The CTDs however could also be caused by main thread to die on some CPU or GPU models which lack some special operations which speed up calculations to be made that might be executed slower on other types. Just my two cents :slight_smile:

You could try to remove the panel but the panel.cfg, recreate the .json and start a flight - if everything goes well it’s most likely the VC model with it’s manipulators, unfortunately…

No doubt the conversion to gltf is the only way forward - but it takes time and it is just… booring…

Anyway some new ships are now born in gltf format… The New York ferry set is progressing…

I should add the Captain… But at least they appeared when and where I wanted with no impact, no stutters etc… :smiley:


How’s the new hiding great lakes going?

As requested, I used LittleNavMap to assist me with the following:

My first flight was from SBFL to SBGL, and right away, I noticed a missing ship upon taking off from SBFL. al_Cisne_Branco (circled in the first image) wasn’t there. I had a number of stutters along the way, and ships were nearby, but I believe they were out of sight range.

Getting closer to Rio, things started to get more crowded, but most of the ships were visible. The second image shows one that wasn’t… AI_Ti_Hellas.

Coming in over the bay area, there were two that weren’t visible (third image)AI_Angelica_ShulteFull and AI_LCVP_3.

The last thing I did was take off from Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont, and flew around the bay area, then south a bit, and finally out over open water, and then back north. There was a lot of stuttering, but every ship indicated on LittleNavMap was visible on the water.

I hope that’s enough meaningful information. If you need me to do anything else, let me know.




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This COULD (not say it is ) be the SU5 popping / scenery loading issues.

Yesterday i wanted to check out the visuals of a POI football stadium. I flew they with the EC135 Heli.

On approach i did see the POI marker but NO stadium. When hovering very low 330 ft or so ) … for 30 seconds above it … it suddenly popped in.

Perhaps things like that is also happening with the AI ships … but they do not show because tou are not above them long enough.

Again not sure if it is the same … but i supose various SU5 issues could be mistaken to add-ons.

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Just confirming your observations. Many models (i had a few footy stadium examples as well) didn’t load in until I was virtually hovering right on top of them.

I strongly suspect the same is happening with ships as well. Even with the default ships traffic on 100% I’m not seeing anywhere near as many.

Going to test flying very low over water bodies where there should be more boat/ship traffic and see if they pop in.

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Thanks for your observations. I will towards the end of the weekend launch a mini package with native ships - in the first place it is just ships and routes, but the idea will be to mass test if they show up. And then that package will keep being updated with more ships, effects, etc


Your work on the native ships looks awesome! I know it has to be tedious, but I’m happy you’re sticking with it.


Please forgive if I’m a little thick here but I see lots of reports of improvements but nowhere to actually get them. I got the original V1 in but can’t see there ever having been an update.

Is there one I have somehow missed?

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If you read the whole book above the you will probably see that the original package can not “just” be updated, because you can’t mix native MSFS ship models with carry overs from FSX and P3D. So the only thing published is the package from March. Each of the 1300 ships takes from 1 to many hours to convert creating PBR textures, so things take time. You can however look forward to the first native ships at the end of this weekend if the rain continues here…

Check the road map here:


Thankyou so much for that Heinrik - I do follow the thread but occasionally get confused about who’s done what when and as you say, the thread has become a book! I’d completely forgotten you’d published a road map!

Look forward to the new “stuff” when it’s ready!

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Almost there… New York will get ships on Sunday :smiley:

This is the new ferries just about to enter service - Sandy Ground and Michael H. Ollis


Awesome! I spent a lot of time on those boats, we called them Bob. Bob=Big Orange Boat.



There is more… here Alice Austen… and in front of that the ugliness of photo geometric scenery… it is supposed to be another ferry… maybe even the same in the foreground… I need to get some better scenery installed for New York


@hnielsen791 Once you’re done with this, I have a challenge for you. The US Military Academy at West Point, just 50-odd miles up the Hudson from this very bay, needs a LOT of love from a good scenery designer. Unfortunately, that does not describe me.

Wanna take it on? There’s hundreds, thousands of photos available online, but it’s not a photogrammetry area, so it’s just random buildings vaguely shaped like the right ones, which is a shame given what that institution has done for this country…

This will be done… well I hope before I get old… 7 models converted today… but still much more than a 1000 to go…