Global AI Ship Traffic V2 for MSFS

I will go and get them :smiley:

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The conversion is progressing… 10 container ships today - they are not perfect but they work and display in the right places at the right time.


hope that one i carrying video cards


I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. This mod is fantastic!

Thanks for continuing to develop it and side-step Asobo’s little curveballs.


yes, but it will be stock outside the harbor the next month…

Another one… this one a quite simple model - probably six years old - but I happened to see her recently in Santos so she got priority in the queue :smiley:


Well, if they’re anything like the one you have shown they’re perfect enough for me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, nv 3080’s would be good :slightly_smiling_face:

Absolutely up for the native format package… I love the scope of the origional, but I cannot take the stutters on first conversion.

Your plan to do a native package and slowly increase it is music to my ears :slight_smile:



Conversion also causes a lot of CTD’s and even after conversion for some reason. For now im using the payware AI Vessals packs from seafront simulations see if that runs any smoother.

You are talking about something else Patrick - the models we discuss above are native and they do run smoothly, but not released yet.

Great news Henrik! I look forward to seeing the effects (wakes I assume?) in the new package, with the converted ships. I guess you will announce its release later this month in these forums?

O yeah, I was talking about the pack you have out sorry about that. Looking forward to what is coming though

Sorry if this has been discussed already, could not find a solution. since one of the latest hotfixes GAIST is causing a CTD everytime when i exit the game. this is what is sown under installed packages

is there any solution? i really dont want to uninstall this great addon any more

Either you uninstall for the moment or you reduce graphic settings; after SU5 this happens for some users and there seem to be a connection with the changes introduced by SU5; in my view there was slight improvement with the hotfix, but for some it won’t be enough. Hope to get something native out very soon, but it will follow the plan described above.

it has been a long day dedicated creating new PBR textures and converting files…


Hello, from time to time, I get to see ships or parts of them around the airport. I suspect these are the Global AI Ship Traffic ships, that are placed like if they were AI aircraft… any idea how to avoid this? Otherwise, thanks for the awesome mod, really enjoying when flying low and slow

It is an SU5 issue - it has been reported to Asobo.

I did an experiment because of some comments i saw in here.
I have experienced this.
I made a flight with the same plane.The same place.The same time and weather.Addons switched to OFF except this one(ship traffic)
Whenever i had it to ON,random BIG stutters occured.When switched to OFF,everything is smooth.
Does it have to do with what i am seing now with the conversion the OP is doing?

Most likely. It’s at least not a myth that mdl files are not performance friendly in MSFS as those need additional computing (textures have to be converted, models probably too) so loading a bunch of ships and aircraft which use mdl may slow down everything.

On top of this there seem to be areas in the world which drop FPS for unknown reason even in vanilla MSFS.

Moving to gltf and native texture format will for sure improve loading times and FPS :slight_smile: still this takes a fair amount of time :wink: