Global AI Ship Traffic V2 for MSFS

So,an uinstall of this addon for the time being,is the right move?

Would it be an idea to name your new version with V2 in the file title? Just in case any old files from V1 on a userā€™s system. Donā€™t want them muddying the water do to Speak!

Henrik has already said itā€™s going to be a stand-alone installation so this wonā€™t be an issue.


It really depends - If you flight close to shores it might be some part of the issue. Iā€™d suggest troubleshooting:

  1. move this addon out of the community folder to some other spot on your C drive (like inside ā€˜my documentsā€™). That wonā€™t take long, just seconds.

  2. Take a flight which caused issues, if those are gone the addon might be a problem on your end.

  3. If itā€™s the same thing without making anything better you can move it back to community folder. Most likely itā€™s the region itself that causes trouble. On some airports I also get still CTDs when zooming in on world mapā€¦

I think you havenā€™t read my original comment

And with respect to conversion, we are seeing a new behavior in the sim. Quoting Henrik,

A few comments on the folders created

  • A new CVT folder is created in Community, it does not contain models as before, just textures, where in the past there was also model files
  • Another folder is created $PC$/ache/packages/community/ however it appears just to contain empty folders
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same observation here

Just caught up on the posts; lovely to see the conversion process rolling and appreciate the effort put into them. Canā€™t wait for the first native pack and glad to hear this has more variety than Seafront, although Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll add more as they go (nowhere near 1400 though!).


Will this ever come to xbox at all?


Just figured out how we can do a quick fix and launch all 1400 as native in Septemberā€¦


what? for realsies?

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Woah! Just woah! :+1:


Fantastic news for a fantastic mod!

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yes, our challenge at the moment is that we canā€™t mix old models from FSX/P3D and native models - so either we wait to do all models perfect and then release or we take a quick road and get all models out in native format, and then we can go on improving, adding, changing little by little to the models in the native package - and we will be less vulnerable to sudden changes in the engine like it happend now with SU5.


So the idea was just testedā€¦ and it worked - the four test ships done with the quick fix showed up as they should and looked like they should. We might with this already increase the amount of ships to be launched this weekend :smiley:


Great news, will the NYC ferries also be launched at the weekend?

Thanks in advance for all your work with this, much appreciated.

Yes, they will.

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Let there be Wakesā€¦

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Thatā€™s really awesome news! Canā€™t wait! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Hey guys, Iā€™m thinking of buying Seafront Simulations Enhanced AI for the better default models, leisure boats, night lighting and wakes, but instead of buying their global shipping add on, sticking with Heinrichā€™s for that.

Is anybody doing that right now and if so can you tell me how well they complement each other? Hoping this will make a really nice combination. Also, for those who have bought AI Enhanced Vessels, is it worth the money in your opinion?