GNS 530: how to change channel spacing from 25kHz to 8.33?

Hey all

How do I (in the default Asobo Cessna 172 (analogue!) with the GNS 530 change the Com channel spacing?
In Europe it needs to be 8.33… in the US 25kHz…
How do I change that?

Kind regards, Oliver

Does this article provide any help?

Hi. No that’s not what I mean.
I wonder how to change it in the setup menue of the GNS 530… there somewhere I should be able to switch from 25khz to 8.33 and vise versa… But it can’t find it.

You need to use the large rotary to go to the “AUX” page,

then hit “PUSH CRSR” and use the large rotary to go to “COMM CONFIGURATION”, select it and get the channel spacing page

Hit “ENT” and get the channel spacing page, and use small rotary to select the spacing you want and hit “ENT”.


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Perfect! Thanks a lot!!

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Is this permanently saved for all aircraft with GNS 530/430, or do you have to keep changing it again and again to 8.33? The standard is 25.0, but in Europe we have a 8.33 channel spacing.