Goflight with MSFS -- FSX Solution Question?

As will become obvious, I’m not particularly tech savvy.

That said, I have read in a few places that it is possible to use the config.exe file from FSX to “fool” MSFS into working with Goflight modules. If this is correct, can someone walk me through the steps necessary to realize this? What file(s); from where; installed to where; and how to operate the solution when everything is properly installed?

Thank you,


Search is your friend “GoFlight Products Now Compatible with FS 2020” - Really? - YES, kind of - Self-Service / Peripherals - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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Using it now and it seems to work. I wish GoFlight would get the proper driver programmed. They still seem to be on lock down. This from their website

Important Notice During this COVID-19 Pandemic

Hello to our amazing customers and fans. Do to the out break of the corona virus and a order form state government, executive order No.20-12, In compliance with this order. GoFlight has temporally closed its doors. We will continue to accept orders, but we will not ship until the executive order has been lifted.

PLEASE NOTE: While we are closed. A cancellation fee of 10% will be incur if an existing order is cancelled.

If you want to pay for it there is PollyPot Software that also works.

Best of luck!

Before moving to the Honeycomb A and B I had GoFlight setup and working fine. I was using this software from pollypot software, yeah it cost money but it worked. Used it for both MSFS and XPlane


GoFlight should be back open again now that the Guvnr :wink: has reopened the state. Our office is mask free again. We’re in Portland, GoFlight is just west in Hillsboro. If they are not open now they should be opening soon.

excited to get the mccpro back out as i bought the software for 29.99 a lot of money only to find it not working with windows 10 or flight sim 2020 very disappointed and need a refund and and put the mccpro back in the cupboard