Golden Age Simulations : Stearman Model 75

Sounds used are created by

  • Immersive Studio for PT-13 and PT-17
  • Sonic Studio for the A75

One Studio did not want to modify its delivery to adapt it to MSFS because of a policy change which would have penalized the development budget and had an impact on the price.
The solution to preserve the FSX/P3D files was chosen to limit the budget of the project and because the two test pilots found a very high quality sound.


Those are the steps I’ve done, I’ll try again later and try the clicking on the fuel gauge as suggested.

Any thought on adding a soundAI folder for multiplayer sounds at least?

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You are the first one who ask for this. Indeed we had not thought about this eventuality.
I will try to see what can be done as quickly as possible.
I just finished 2 patchs in the afternoon and you surprised me with this request :wink:


Ran out of fuel yesterday (must have been a fuel leak I swear) and it gets totally silent - I have FSRealistic running but it was silent, too, until about seconds before I touched down.

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Wow that difference is extremely enlightening! Thanks for posting.

@LagaffeVFR5476 Clicking the black grommet on the fuel float gauge did indeed make the refueling take hold, thank you.

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GAS Stearman V1.1
All existing customers have or will receive an email from PayLoadz with a link for version 1.1. Those purchasing the model after 1700 EST today will not require this. The purchase link has been updated as well. The following issues identified by customers have been corrected. The PT- 13 wing insignia locations previously identified, the transponder texture corrected, and the in-game refueling process refined and reflected in the users manual. Thanks to all for speaking up with questions and concerns.

ad also a PT17 variant ot my Navy liveries at
can use together or the version you want :wink:

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deinstall old,or only run installer?

I tested it by running it over the existing installation and it worked fine.


As a writer in tech, it’s really frustrating that people don’t read the stuff you spend time writing. :slight_smile:

The official update email:

(Not picking on anyone. We know in our industry nobody wants to read instructions. Just pointing out that GAS approves of that installation process.)


We hear you and others. LaGaffe, Gil, and I are in discussions.


not every one is a pc tech,and ask is better then mess things up…
i preffer to uninstall and do fresh,some installers do,this not…for this sim i also preffer a zip file to install,it is more handy as an install.or it look like this,
so install,copy and deinstall,and copy back to have it clean is wat i do in future?
the installer give me also a viruswarning!!!
read,yes,but was working at 6 free liveries for this beauty,so sorry,yes i did not read :wink:

maybe if Gas upload a zip,that is a better option?

so i try to uninstall,but this i can not remove,because i do not have the patch anymore???
i want my system clean,so wat can i do?
i have a backup from the installed folders,but no show a uninstall for the patch?

so uninstall via the exe removed my complete community folder,luck,i did it in a copy and rename the orig one,so nothing is lost…
not a good way to do installers :wink:

so,all be carfull please
uninstall via the exe removed my complete community folder,luck,i did it in a copy and rename the orig one,so nothing is lost…
not a good way to do installers.

so,all be carfull please!!!

i found the patch and have to reinstall and deinstall to get this mess away,maybe this cause the dellite from my comunity folder?

@ GAS,Please check your installers,that they do not mess up our Systems and delite the wrong folder!!!

so,only save install at moment,create a folder,install to this,and copy to the folder were you want,and deinstall the rest,this i will do in future with all installs for this sim…

Anyone have this issue with then latest version - when I apply full throttle on the runway, my RPM barely climbs and I have no acceleration. If I go to the EFB and click ready for takeoff it shuts down the engine and restarts it. Then I have full acceleration.
Issue was not rhere on the initial release.
Using the A75

this is the PT17 version,i get the same,but then it work great

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You post your theses questions with screenshots, on this site and on SOH under another speudo.
Just now I just answered you on SOH and gave you all the possible details.

InstallCreator which was used to create this installer is used in the world of Microsoft Simulator since 2010. If it was buggy it would have known for a long time.

When installing in the Community directory, 3 directories are created and an executable is used to uninstall the product.
Yesterday to test, I proceed to two uninstallations without any worry.
To conclude, either you entered a wrong path for the Community directory or you went through another way to uninstall.

Duplicating on all existing forums the same questions, will not give you more information.

PS: for your information, I worked 38 years as a Windows Administrator in a large electronics group and for our deployments we used InstallCreator Pro. So it is a proven product.


Since I am the person responsible for the changes, I can assure you that nothing has been changed

  • on the power management or
  • in the XML management code of the external and internal models that can produce this.
    I only added one line of code to force the filling of the fuel tank during the refueling operation.

In this kind of situation, it is always necessary to check if another addon does not interfere.
For this, I make an archive of my Community (Zip or 7zip) and I leave in the Community directory only the product to be tested :

  • gas-stearman-model-75 and
  • gas-vintage-pilots.
    Then, I clean the MSFS caches to avoid problems and I launch MSFS to test.

During development and testing before deliveries, I have always practiced this way and I have never encountered this kind of problem.
Currently, I have 233 sceneries or aircraft in my Community, without trouble.

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