Golden Age Simulations : Stearman Model 75

all ok,
i do not think all read in all forum?
but a uninstall should not delite the commuity folder,as it does at my… also a new install should remove the older entry in the apps and only show the last version?
so found my way to handle this installer…
and to keep my system clean as i want,and hope other user are carefull not to delite the communityfolder by mistake…

also i realy like this Plane,so sorry if i upset you!!!


and yes,at SOH i use my old SOH * speudo*a lot longer the here, but it is no secret :wink:

Yes I read every day all forums (5) where the Boeing Stearman where it was announced precisely to see customer feedback, problems encountered and make the corrections as quickly as possible. This is how in 3 days we fixed three problems reported by users.

When you launch an uninstallation either by the program manager or by an executable, actions are performed that are irreversible.
If you are wrong and want to redo the operation via the executable offered by the installer, it will not find everything it needs to perform the uninstallation.
This explains what happened on the second try.

Getting back to InstallCreator: I assure you that it works very well.

In addition to being a former Administrator I was also a Moderator on a large French forum for more than 16 years and I met many people who had had problems with their facilities. I have always tried to help them even with TeamViewer sessions between France and Quebec sometimes.

You didn’t bother me :wink:.


I just tested all of the variants in V1.1 and all performed nominally on my system. Also I tested the uninstaller after backing up my Community folder and it did not remove it. I am sorry for your experience but am unable to duplicate it. I guess we’ll have to continue to monitor and see if others begin to share experiences such as yours.

On the Stearman A75, on the throttle block you have 3 levers:

  • one for power (THROTTLE),
  • one for mixture
  • one for managing the propeller orientation the black one.

To start the engine the black lever can stay at 0% but when you remove the parking break to take off, you should increase this black lever to obtain the maximum RPM.
The more you increase this lever the more RPM you have.

I’m going to guess I should have read the manual! Thanks, I did not carry out this procedure, so will try it on my next leg of my Epic Cape Town to Goodwood (UK) flight :smiley:

thanks; it’ll be something I’ve forgotten to do; no criticism of the product intended :smiley:

No worries, after many years of troubleshooting, I have acquired a sixth sense … That said, sometimes I am also mistaken :wink:

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I flew the A75 variant last and it took me a second to realize it has a constant speed prop too.

Guess who also didn’t read the manual?


Nope you nailed it!

Just checked the manual. And it’s mentioned :man_facepalming:

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i realy like the the cfg`s from this plane ,
very user friendly if i want to ad autopilot,or change the light for Gauges,well done,easy to handle :heart_eyes: :+1:

If you do development, you will see that the documented code is much easier to maintain and that the corrections are much easier to do.
The flight model took us more than two months to obtain this result, I do not need to give you the number of versions that I managed with the team from where this well ventilated and documented code. :innocent:


I took her up for a first flight today and I must say I’m really liking the flight model and handling! The tail came up nicely on the takeoff roll and she gently lifted off on her own when she was ready to fly. Similarly, the approach and flare felt equally nice and natural with a nice controllable rollout. I can only imagine that’s how the real ones fly!

I noticed there is a flame coming out of the exhaust and it changes color from orange to blue as you lean the mixture. Blue flame is hotter so I assume we might want the setting where the blue just starts to show? I checked the manual but there isn’t any reference to this… and so I’d ask for guidance on that.

Overall, this plane makes for a wonderful VR flying experience!


I want to also mention that, despite the evidence in front of us in his responses, English is not @LagaffeVFR5476 's first language, and it takes a lot of work him to converse as such… Thank you Didier!!! He did get quite a bit of practice during beta testing, though, lol :smiley:


I didn’t notice that! What a neat touch. Does the real thing spit fire like that?

yes and no
in full daylight you are not likely to see any flame at the exhaust port, orange (rich) or blue (lean)
However, after dusk or predawn and at night you can see some of these colors glowing at the exhaust port (I am told that early mail pilots and aviators would use that color as an additional indicator of whether they had their mixture set right - along with the sound and expected output of the motor) - especially once the engine is hot and has been running a while.
The GAS model offers that effect pretty well - in full daylight it is less visible. When you lean the mixture appropriately and reduce the RPM to around 15-1600 the effect is reduced or nullified.
So you get a sense of it, and it looks best to me at dusk and dawn hours of flight, and is there because to some degree - it should be


Very nice airplane, especially for the price. Flight model is excellent. Aerobatics are great, and takeoff and landing feels very smooth.

The sounds are good, but not great. Would love more wind noise, and the startup sound is a little odd, though maybe it’s accurate. But the engine sounds fine.

The interior textures could also use a little work. Overall it’s fine, and exterior textures are great, but some of the interior looks a little low resolution.

These are small nitpicks honestly. It’s a great plane overall with tons of detail and lots of variants, and it flies great.

Currently working on a higher res texture mod. Visible front seat harness, rivets on the upper part of the lower wing, compass deviation card and maybe rudder pedals.


Hehe… Keep imagining. Nothing, literally NOTHING, will try to ground loop on you like a Stearman :grin:.

But tail wheel physics just aren’t possible to simulate properly; I’ve seen many devs try and all fail. This is better - an airplane that is as much a pleasure to fly as the real one is IF you keep it corralled.

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What would you be expecting to hear during a stall or over speed? There is no stall warning system in the plane. It’ll buffet only if the wing is pretty loaded during the stall - but you don’t hear that.