Golden Age Simulations : Stearman Model 75

After flying it more, I agree on the sounds. Engine running sounds and prop sounds are great. Startup sounds are fine, if a bit abrupt. The lack of Wwise became really obvious when sitting at PHNL and hearing nothing around me.

Polishing the sound package really is my only complaint though. This is a great addon already, and a proper sound package would make it a must-buy for everyone, in my opinion.


“Impossible” is where I live. This is after some (still-being-worked-on) tweaks to the Stearman ground handling and a bit of misbehaving on takeoff.

… and the same config with me behaving a bit better on acceleration and letting it get out of hand on rollout. Again, being worked on so it’s not perfect but certainly not impossible


Looking great! I look forward to trying it. You’re right that I should not have used the word “impossible”. Really looking forward to trying this one!

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I know it has no stall warning system, but at least I expect to hear a “swooosh”-sound when dropping the nose or going full speed vertical. All I can hear from the clips are the engine and a “Clank”-sound on touchdown. No small rumbling when rolling down the runway. Can someone clarify: Are the only two sounds you can hear, the engine and that clank on touchdown? What happens if you turn the engine off mid flight, point the nose down, going in to a spin and then a fast hard landing? Total silence and only a “clank” when the wheels touch the ground, then silence again?

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I’ve uploaded two liveries:
N1944S (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

G-BNIW (0008) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

and am working on two more:
NC (0002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

XAF (0004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Maybe try FSRealistic? It has a wind sounds setting (and so much more.)

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I was going to suggest the very same thing. I don’t use it all the time, but it does fill in the gaps where needed.

I won’t let a few minor weak points in sound - which happens to be a very significant hurdle especially for smaller developers - prevent me from enjoying quality addons such as this one.


C-FOXU (0001) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

C-FOXU (0005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

C-FOXU (0009) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr


Also a valid option.

Does FSRealistic work correct with this plane?
According to NixieLion’s reply to my first post.
“Ran out of fuel yesterday (must have been a fuel leak I swear) and it gets totally silent - I have FSRealistic running but it was silent, too, until about seconds before I touched down.”

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I dunno. Strange that it doesn’t, as it modifies sounds directly in the sim, AFAIK.

She’s definitely a beauty, and the flight modeling feels really convincing. Tried a sideslip into approach I saw a Stearman doing on a YouTube video a while back and it worked really well.

While I’m not that worried about a Wwise as a technology – in an open-cockpit radial with a headset on, I’m not really going to hear a switch being toggled anyway, and the sounds here sound great – I will add hopes that a Wwise solution can be had down the road simply because of a bug that’s not been addressed in MSFS since launch.

If a plane uses a legacy sound package, then swapping to an exterior view and back, or using the time-jump to approach, can cause sounds to cut out. Happened to me on my first flight. Went to admire the external view, and when I returned the cockpit, the engine sound was gone. Weirdly, I can’t find a bug topic on this issues, but I’ve seen it on various planes since 2020 and it’s still an issue with legacy sound packs in the latest release.

I do wonder if there’s a workaround in the sound.cfg, though, as not every legacy plane lets me duplicate the issue. It happens very consistently with the Stearman when switching views or “travel to-ing,” and the SSW G-91 when doing a “travel to,” but doesn’t happen with the Pilot’s DHC-7.

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Be curious here if anyone else sees the engine sound ssue using the “Travel to” command. If so, I created a bug report topic you can vote on or add to.

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the sounds of the GAS Stearman are reliable for me - I switch views all day long as can be seen in my videos - no cutouts, or delays in the engine sounds at all.
I don’t use the ‘travel to’ feature so I can’t address that.

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So the sound issue you’re having isn’t specific to this addon, is that right? Just making sure I read your post correctly.

It seems to be an issue with multiple aircraft that use non-Wwise sounds. Same issue happens when using “Travel to” with the SWS G-91, for instance.

Next time you’re flying the Stearman, maybe give “Trave to/Approach” a try and see if it happens?


i have this before i complete reinstall the sim last year,since that i never have this.
the gas sound work fine for me,no cutouts, or delays in the engine sounds.
only the inside sound should be more like the outside and louder for this open cocpit.
and i like more the pt 13 and 17 sounds.
travel to’ feature i also never use,no need for this. but i use a addob map were you can move the plane,there all work fine…so asobo bug?