Good Advice Needed for Flying Big Airliners

Since launch I have stuck completely to GA aircraft, and have as yet not flown any of the big jets. Well now it’s time to start. I’m looking for advice from all you lovely people on which of the base game big airliners to start with. This can include any or all mods needed to extend and expand immersion and the experience. Thanks in advance folks.

The best you can get it the a320 with the FlyByWire A320x mod at the moment


My best advice is just wait for now. Airliners are in a very very bad place. You will need to use mods in order to even fly them and learning right now is marred with a myriad of bugs and problems that will have you second guessing yourself and the aircraft systems/physics/navigation/ap/everything the entire time. Not the advice you wanted to hear I know but I would at least wait until the next update and see if some core systems have been fixed.

Definitely the A320neo with the FBW mod.

You could start without the mod to make yourself comfortable with the jet since there are less systems to worry about but be aware that it might be a bit wobbly in its current state.

If you’re using the mod you might need some initial training for all the systems at least that was the case on my side. I believe it’s not much of a problem if you are comfortable with different aircraft systems already.

Haters (Boeing pilots) may say the Airbus isn’t a real manly aircraft since it does to much on it’s own but that’s exactly what I like about it. The future is now, old men (no offense to anyone).


Hi @VonAdder,
I’ve modified your topic title to reflect what your topic is about.

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No worries.

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theres a couple of vids on youtube about using the MCDU, if you get the Flybywire mod its pretty simple to use.

also i saw a tip to plan decent. altitude / 1000 x 3 = NM from destination to start decent. for example 33,000 feet = 99miles from destination to start decent.

and also groundspeed / 2 x 10 = VS for 3 degree decent. for example 350 gs = -1750 VS


Yes, being a fellow newbie to especially the big jets, I found it very frustrating watching videos that teach the operations of these airliners only to have these present bugs confuse you. This situation (for me) had me searching this group far to often to try and find is the error me or a bug?

Right now I’m just flying the FBW A320 and have sharpened my landing skills from cartwheels to barely landing successfully maybe 10% of the time.

I wonder if VR will feel so real that I may actually scream on some of my really bad landings???:wink:

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I would start at the below and just get a bit familiar with the systems and layout of the plane.

Start by having a basic flight but beware that the AP can be flakey.


Fly it like you stole it. What paying airline passenger doesn’t want to do a barrel roll after take off. The movie “Flight” is the tutorial you need for this.


regarding the landings, prep makes perfect.

its hard in game to get the ATIS so look online or use a 3rd party app to get the pressure at the arrival location

check the MCDU for the vref for landing

keep the speed low and practice

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Landing Airliners is the best part IMO. Takeoff is fun too but landings are always the best. I honestly can’t imagine how awesome VR would be if the performance levels are good enough. Something about the sounds in these airliners too. Add a sub woofer and those engines come to life. Usually I can feel my floor vibrating as if I was in the actual plane itself. I actually manage my throttle 100% VR would just be awesome if done right. I’ve seen lots of ideas and concepts for VR using overlays in various ways too. Lets hope the stock Airbus 320 gets fixed for the VR update as it had the best FPS of all the airliners and mods. Also a good place to start once the plane is fixed again.

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Yes I’m watching a few of his videos right now.

Note the A320 will either work well enough to fly just fine or work really badly with major autopilot problems depending on circumstances that are very unclear – some people have problems, others don’t, and nobody knows why yet.

Many people recommend the FBW mod for it, but I can’t recommend it as I’ve never needed to use it so can’t speak to it.

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That sounds great! Teriffic ideas, thanks!!!

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This is good to have handy for Airbus 320 too


New pilot?! Here you find everything about the 787 - Guides / New Pilot Help & Guides - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Although 787 is buggy, this guide will help you the most. DO NOT TURN ON AP until after in the air and somewhat stabilized, i.e., gear up, flaps up, at least 2000’ AGL. Hand fly it till then. Fly By Wire means the planes are all electric, no cables pulling/pushing on control surfaces. They fly way different than any other game. The ATC in all the planes is buggy, along with controls not being like real plane. I found the above guide help me the most. Try using PMDY for learning, nothing is there, but RW is in good shape. Have fun.


There is one good tip if you are struggling landing and can keep practicing it.

How to Practice Your Landings in MSFS2020 Over & Over again - Set Up Tutorial,

Thanks to Easyjet sim pilot.

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great movie by the way as well as Sully :slight_smile:

Completely disagree. Although the AP is unreliable at best in the 320 and the 747, (I unfortunately didn’t step up at the beginning and so do not have the 787), I am an old stick and rudder guy. AP and auto trim are great tools that have revolutionized flying larger, complex airplanes, but there is no substitute for learning to fly the plane first.
I am slowly warming up to the Airbus but my goto is the 747. I find it is actually a very nice airplane to hand fly. Start by finding yourself a “secluded” airport with a nice long runway. I use CYXJ in northern BC. I fly a 5 mile circuit and work the stick, rudder and throttle skills. Having some experience flying 737’s helps but the 747 is no 737-200.

Spend some quality time learning how to FLY the plane before worrying about going anywhere. Once you can confidently take-off, control altitude and airspeed, get configured to land and fly a stable approach, all in a 5 mile circuit, you can plan a x country. No reason you can’t fly a 747 VFR just like a 172. You just need to stay ahead of the airplane and you will be making regular trips with confidence.

By the time you have a really good handle on hand flying a bird like that, Asobo will have had lots of time to get the AP fixes implemented and you can start adding the automation into your solid piloting skills. And if they don’t, so what you will still be able to navigate, manage proper descents and set up stable instrument approaches.

Don’t be afraid to learn to fly first and manage systems later.