Good or bad, MSFS 2024 seems like a really puzzling announcement and idea

My question was not what their motivations were, it will mostly be about money. I wanted to have a conversation as to why i found this route they took puzzling. Why are you against the conversation anyway? I will never understand customers who will try to represent the side of billion dollar companies. Which is what you did here

I am sure they don’t need you to rescue them, from conversations.


Whilst I’m very happy with getting proper missions, new aircraft, decent tree’s & seasons. I will agree, the trailer was lacking in terms of showing new or improved features, weather improvements etc. The trailer even featured the same annoying bugs like the terrible SSR, horizon line glitch & unrealistic ship/seaplane physics.

The new content alone wouldn’t be cheaper then £40 if it were DLC & I’m happy to pay that. It’s the £30+ on top of that in which people will need more convincing. I suspect 2024 will have a decent amount of improvements & new features not seen yet. They are still at least a year away from it’s release & plenty can be done in that time.

I am wondering about copyrights and patents and how they may be contributing to a new release.

I am also a little worried about getting into bed with BAE (see the above link). This will probably mean two streams of development for the terrain engine: one for GA end users, and one for military customers. Will the GA users benefit from improvements made for the more lucrative military market?

Here’s another thought. We know that the Betas were actually Alpha tests. We helped them build this thing they are now marketing for big $$$. Where are my royalties?


Most likely not, for the same reason Arma saga users didn´t get the benefits from features and content VBS already had as the later was part of the scope for military contracts only, even if both software baselines where basically the same Operation Flashpoint garbage engine from late 90s, cooked and recooked over 20 years :rofl:. As far as I know it was simply not allowed to release the military version for general public usage according to BIS words.


Yep. That question was rhetorical. They will lock down any improvements made for BAE, and we won’t see them.

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Yeap. Anyway those kind of projects are still able to push the technology somehow for general public usage. Maybe we just get a 10% of the improvements but it will definitely shake the games market somehow.

MSFS global terrain implementation has achieved a clear milestone demonstrating this is technically possible. That is something many game devs, content creators and players were really looking forward to have since years ago. If this concept is affordable and feasible for other game studios the near future in this industry will hopefully bring more interesting projects.


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You highly underestimate the production cost of AAA video Games:

And please also not forget: this is a online “game”, there is a huge server infrastructure behinde which also needs to be payed…

At which major version everyone had to pay we are exactly now with GTA? Hint, its not the first :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe they should concentrate on correcting the basics before bringing out new sims


I honestly don´t know a thing about cyberpunk features but star citizen is a well know money hook to stay away from. We will see if that´s ever released or it was just a modern version of Ponzi schemes.

Anyway it was just a quick calculation to explain that I doubt MS is having problems to stay on their budget as their profit appears to be quite high just as of today. Remember I gave a figure about licenses alone, assuming all were just base game versions (60€) and with a 10% profit only, where normal business figures can be 20-30% profit and many users like me have the 120€ license instead of the regular one. MS has made a lot of money also by selling their own addons, the addons produced together with third parties and they also get a fee from any marketplace purchase as you buy them directly to MS Store. I´m unable to calculate that value.


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The trailer is not the be all and end all of what’s new in 2024. We obviously need more details/info/clarity, and as MS/Asobo have said that will be coming in the near future. They can certainly help themselves by releasing that sooner than later given all this confusion, and hopefully this Friday (June 23) at FSExpo where they have a product announcement seminar session planned

Here’s what we know so far in terms of core sim improvements in 2024… firstly, see this recent interview of Phil Spencer and Matt Booty (head of MS/XBox studios) Giant Bomb at Nite: Night 3 - YouTube who says that the team felt that various improvements made so far were big enough to warrant a new release. And then he specifically mentions graphics, weather, and flight dynamics as areas that received big improvements. He also says that the tornado in the trailer is actually simulated weather/atmosphere and not something canned/scripted, that is pretty darn significant!.

Also even in this first trailer it’s evident that apart from missions new features/improvements appear to be:

  • seasons (they also confirmed this was in progress from months ago)
  • 3D trees
  • local airflow impacting foliage
  • more detailed terrain in some parts of the world at least (i.e. Mt Kilimanjaro, Grand Canyon, etc)
  • smoke from fires that rise and disperse into the atmosphere
  • even the missions that folks are freaking out about, well, they actually have to do with aviation!

So ya, given all of above, it should be very clear that MSFS 2024 appears to be a significantly improved sim over 2020… there is also the fact that MS/Asobo themselves have said this which kinda makes it clear that 2024 is more than just missions: This brand-new simulator is designed to take advantage of the latest technologies in simulation, cloud, machine learning, graphics and gaming to create the most sophisticated, immersive and awe-inspiring flight simulator of all time. To achieve this unprecedented level of accuracy, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is powered by the significantly evolved Asobo Studio engine.


As far as improvements to flight dynamics, unless they themselves come out with high fidelity planes, which they do not seem to do, it doesn’t mean much in my opinion. In MSFS, take out the 3rd party high fidelity planes, what are you left with as far a “flight simulator” goes?

Again if you don’t have high fidelity planes

These are also pretty much useless, again in my opinion. I guess you can watch the leaves dance in the breeze with the “local airflow impacting foliage” but that is not really what flight simulation is, is it?

As for the high fidelity planes, they don’t seem to put much thought into them, while releasing a “new simulator” which could break the few we have, which took their developers years to build.


It’s the same as many other Microsoft releases.

It is the same code base. The “2020” version may have things missing (e.g. missions), and things deliberately disabled that could work, but it’s essentially a resale of the same code base. There is no all new simulator, nothing much new other than some improvements and probably a new skin. Think Windows 11, aka Windows 10 in a new hat.

This is the only way they can guarantee almost all addons will work. If it was actual new code, they couldn’t do this. Some won’t work, in the same way some don’t now.

It’s just marketing, who haven’t worked out that if there’s an “all new simulator” coming next year, nobody’s going to buy add ons for the old one that might not work.


MSFS vegetation, including grass, already reacts to wind, however it does not react to local airflows yet. Grass starts to be clearly moving with wind speeds above 10 kts. It´s a basic waving animation but it´s still there and it´s dependant on wind direction also. If you set a high speed wind vector manually you will see how everything moves.


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That doesn’t make sense… firstly they did provide a free high fidelity aircraft with the iniBuilds A310, and also the Citation Longitude in AAU1, and now about to significantly increase the fidelity in the 787/etc in AAU2. But in any case more importantly, any improvements they make to the core flight dynamics engine is very important as that’s what high fidelity aircraft developers depend on and can take advantage of. For example ground handling and the ground<->air transition modelling is something that’s in need of improvements in the core flight dynamics of the sim.

MS/Asobo have already clarified existing add-on aicraft will not face churn for them to work in 2024, so let’s actually wait and see before declaring that existing add-on aircraft will be broken.

And yes sure lol, those graphics improvements noticeable in this first trailer might not be important to you, but they are examples of core improvements in the graphics engine, which aligns with that Max Booty says and what they’ve put in the blurb about 2024. The main point here is that this first trailer, meant for an XBox showcase event, is not the authority on all what’s coming in 2024. We need to wait to hear more details… but even going by the trailer, and then subsequent tidbits from Max Booty, that all points to the 2024 release being about much more than just the new missions.

Perhaps if you’d bothered read the other threads, you’d not have felt the need to create yet another one for people to scroll through and repeat themselves. Entirely your doing.

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I must’ve missed the part where i forced people to do that. Interesting concept this, you do not have to scroll through and repeat yourself.

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In order for add-ons to work they just need to ensure they implement the same API. They’ve put a lot of work into ensuring add-ons run in a sandbox so this enables development of new code provided it supports the same API.

Maybe you can get the gist of a thread simply by reading the title, but others aren’t gifted with second-sight, so have to resort to reading the thing before they realise that “you simply couldn’t be bothered to read the forum yourself, so I’ll let someone else answer the question again”.

If that’s not the case, and you simply wanted to pose questions without recieving answers directly, that’s fine - the answers you seek are elsewhere on the forum… Glad I could help, enjoy!

The most puzzling though is many believe people can work for free; and jump on them as soon the generosity in the name of the ‘community’ is withdraw.
Welcome to the real world !