Goodbye Trolls

In refference to moderators cracking down on users with nothing constructive to say about problems and nothing constructive to add on solving problems, I say good riddens. The fact the sim is probably the most complex peice of gaming software in history doesn’t need to be compounded in complexity by an army of trolls complaing about any key screens for the trillianth time or how bad Asobo is doing. I hope now we can get back to simming business and problem solving…


Where can I read about that, unaware of it?




To be accurate that comes from the Community Managers Team which is related to the Forum run by MS. It has nothing to do with Asobo who are the developers. The moderation team as a whole are mostly community volunteers who work by the Code of Conduct


That’s what I thought, thanks.

I can’t blame the people for moaning and MS brought that upon themselves, but it does make the forum hard to use / worthless at times. So yes, please, clean it up where you see fit and help us move forwards.


You can help us letting us know about inappropriate behavior on the forums. If you are at trust level 2 or above then you can flag topics or posts for us to review. If you have not yet achieved TL2 then you can send a message to @moderators.

Constructive criticism is fine and positive, non constructive posts or behavior is not. The Code of Conduct sets out what is acceptable and what is not


Thank you for the hot trust level tips.

edited for the post to be more accurate thank you.

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Ahahahhaha. Omg. Wait… Hahahahha.

But seriously this entire thread will probably be locked soon. I’m sorry that you are suffering from cognitive dissonance. I promise that until Asobo corrects its many mistakes, there will be an endless supply of people who are less than pleased with the product, and consequently vent their displeasure on this forum.


Haven’t come across that term since my Systems Analysis days! Memories of Technological Determinism abound!

And I hope there is no upper limit to the number of people that can fit on an ignore list. I have no problems with criticism, but the endless stream of new threads re-hashing over, and over again the same old things…it’s getting old. We get it, it’s not a great start, but it will get better.

I don’t think anything can be said that hasn’t already been said, but they persist. Fortunately, a couple of clicks, and they are gone. Since adopting a zero tolerance approach to this the forums have become a better place.

If we could collectively stop lamenting what we don’t have, and instead appreciate what we do have, the forums as a whole would improve.


Agreed. Let’s be constructive. We can share our disappointments and still do so in a peaceful and respectable manner. It’s easy to just pass blame and be mad about something. I think Asobo is an incredible studio, and although this sim has a lot of work that still needs to be done, it’s a marvel. Look at most great pieces of software or products. Was the vanilla version already perfect? In most cases…no. I see great things as long as they don’t can this project or leave it where it is today.


Yes, many complaints and issues have been repeated ad nauseam. However, I would argue that the persistence is important because it keeps issues at the forefront of the discussion. I recognize that re-litigating the same thing over and over can be tiring; however, there is a solution. That solution is the developer demonstrating actual transparency in communication, and correcting the issues. Once that happens, that topic of discussion will cease. My favorite example is if they would just provide a detailed explanation about the implementation of “live weather,” we’d stop seeing endless threads guessing about the implementation of “live weather.” One of many examples of where they don’t even have to fix it to ameliorate the discussion.


Based on the patch record thus far, not sure I am quite in agreement with you there!

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That would be fine if these discussions were in one thread. But no one wants to just pin their take on to the end of someone else’s thread. Their view is important enough to warrant it’s own thread, and that just creates work for moderators either having to lock, or merge, into existing threads about the same thing.

Ignoring threads is a useful tool as well, and I have to use that a lot. :wink:

I guess my crystal ball is a little better than yours! :slight_smile:

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My thread mute list is amazingly huge and the forum is still running nice for me. Good job, Discourse developers! :thumbsup: :small_airplane: :smile_cat:

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Well it’s probably younger and newer than mine and a lot clearer. I’ve been around this industry, like many others, since the early days of the TRS80 where I played my first flight simulator as a text based program running in BASIC. So I’ve done my time and I can tell you, the portents ain’t lookin’ good right now.


Lets bring the times back to when the games had little to no bugs. If there was a game breaking bug in the game you would have to play it a million times just to run into it.

Sure, let’s go back to little 8-bit cartridge games, that will be fun. :roll_eyes:

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