I saw a video on how to enter a straight in approach to airports with no tower by selecting the runway. However, I cannot find the utube video explaining this procedure with the gps. Can anyone help with either giving me the video name or how to use the gps in selecting the runway??
It was most likely using the GPS-OBS system, to select the runway (or less accuratly the airport) as a waypoint, and then use OBS to set a magenta bearing line on the runway heading,
You can then fly a heading to intercept that Magenta line, (heading mode) switching to Nav Mode when the CDI has a 75% or less deflection, and the plane will lock on and follow the OBS Magenta Line TO the runway. You will have to handle your own decent, and stop using the GPS when down to the Minimum GPS AP permitted altitude,
For the large glass Garmin Systems, it’s called the Visual Approach. You can select it as a Procedure and use Straight as the Transition. Selecting Vectors does nothing since ATC won’t know about the procedure leg and won’t give you prompts.
The FMS calculatesa three mile final with a 3 degree Glide Path - you’ll get a Transition Point (Straight) and a Final Approach Fix that APR mode will honor if under autopilot. Or if you want to handfly it, a GP deviation diamond will appear on the inner side of the altitude tape.
Note there is no obstacle avoidance, so exercise due regard as you would in real operations.
Thanks for the tip. However, the video I saw on utube brought up the runways and then selected the runway for landing and then gave the option to select straight in landing. I have rewatched the 530 and 430 videos, but cannot find the section for this issue.
As I mentioned earlier - Visual Approaches.
Does this work? Note VECTORS TO FINAL will not work, ATC is supposed to give you VECTORS, it won’t because it’s not AIRAC compliant and doesn’t know about Visual Approaches. Select STRAIGHT instead, it should be an option.
I don’t think OP is talking about runways with no procedure, I think he’s talking about own-nav, full procedures at non-towered airports, right?
If so, in those cases (without a vector to final), you’ll usually get a clearance from ATC that specifies an initial approach fix (IAF). These will be charted as such and indicated with an “IA” in the approach transition selection box in the Garmin. You can either load the approach from there (if you still have waypoints or headings to fly prior), or just activate it, in which case it will remove the waypoints prior and activate a direct to the transition (IAF) you selected.
Or, just select vector to final (which, again is in cooperation with ATC, but without them present in the sim, you could just do this on your own) and it will give you just the final approach course and activate it as you intercept it.
You have given me some things to pursue. When I have the time I will investigate. Thanks to all
Exactly – OBS Mode
Was it the 750? The PMS50 version of the GTN 750 has a feature where you can select a visual approach instead of ILS, RNAV, etc. That would give you the GPS guided direct to runway approach.
Just don’t try this in the BBS Short. The CDI doesn’t work for GPS, so you’d have to keep glancing at the Garmin 400. Actually, now that I think of it I’m not 100% certain course deviation is shown on the 400 in OBS mode.
WORKS 100% in the WB-SIM c172 , (as you already know) (Thanks for your support)
So if it does not work in he BBS Short, that’s another Dev’s issue
It works great in the Asobo default steam 172 as well if memory serves.
One thing I’m not sure about is, when in GPS mode, should the CDI show changes in behaviour of the TO/FROM flags, like it does when using a VOR? I think in some planes those pointers stay the same, no matter your position in relation to the waypoint, and the OBS angle set.
And I thought I was going to get Thanksgiving day OFF work !!
No rest for the wicked!
Enjoy your time off.
Confirmed. In GPS OBS mode, the TO-FROM Flag should indicate correctly
(It does in the wb-sim C172)
Thanks for checking. So unless there is some manufacturer of CDI instruments that doesn’t do that for some reason, and it is therefore being accurately simulated, then that would also be a defect.
Well, it is dependant on how the Aircraft is WIRED, and the connections between the Instruments.
Typically, (in RL ) the GNS530 is a C172 Upgrade, and it is up to those carring out the modification to wire in the new units, according to strict specifications. This varies from country to county, and unfortunately, from installers to cowboy installers.
There are features that COULD be wired up, that are not part of the Garmin Update specification,
Example. Wiring in the GPS/APR Button above the CD1 (which was mainly used for the old G100), to activate the Approach, as opposed to having to go into some GNS530 screen (PROC), and activate it there.
In RL if it is “unofficially” wired to do this, it makes activating the approach so much quicker, easier, and without the risk of corrupting any of the GPS’s pages.
I have checked out the obs videos…it looks good but I have yet to try it out…Thanksgiving Day as you know…busy today. Happy Day to all.