Graphic step back, I'm done

Tomorrow is August. It came out last August. They’ve had enough time. I’ve been hearing that for months. :disappointed_relieved:


Why do you say they’ve had enough time? Have you any idea about the complexities of the program, I have no idea but I imagine they are huge. Given the massive range of configurations on people’s PC’s.

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It’s annoying that, after a year, now I can’t play…they sent a patch…no change. This kind of behavior is unforgivable at this stage of the game.

Now that I get. It’s a shame so many people are still having these problems that they can’t play at all.

and most of these problem are at the user site, not a populair fact, but it is what it is.


But it can sound like one :crazy_face:


Yeah it stinks. It’s crazy to say it out loud: “ONE YEAR and my game can’t be played”. Unheard of.

But the graphics degradation, which is the main culprit of SU5, is all on Asobo - not us the users.


I really don’t think that Asobo are blindly trundling along without some foresight of what they can achieve and in what timescale. The graphics degradation is unfortunate but maybe they have had to do things this way to pave the way for further development on the graphics and antialiasing when DX12 is released.


Yea that’s exactly what I am thinking

But why? Just give xbox medium settings from SU4… done… Unless it wasn’t even getting 30fps at low and they had to make drastic changes like lowering the draw distance regardless of settings… that’s what it looks like to me.


Yea that also a point

The alternative isn’t to fly in P3D or X-Plane, the alternative is for Microsoft to give us back the simulator we bought. I didn’t pay 70€ for the MSFS for Xbox that I have now installed on my PC.


The OP clearly made this post focusing on graphic aspects because they’re the biggest downgraded thing. This update did not brought anything revolutionary to sim aspect: no changes to flight model nor aircraft systems. Old problems are already beaten to death, so why would OP have to talk about them here?

There are new bugs but bugs are different from deliberate graphic downgrade.


Same here, awful downgrade Microsoft has just given a huge middle finger to its community


Gutted ! SU5 as ruined my Sim ! Was so happy with things before the updates! This morning I can’t even get flights to load ! Really terrible and as I spent thousands on a new pc and monitors and flight sim peripherals I’m not best pleased! Please sort this mess out Asobo ! It’s really not good enough :+1::pray:t2::airplane::man_pilot:


i dont see much degradation at all, so again this is not at all true for everyone.


get a console and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Yes, and with that will come new clouds, seb announced that dx12 will allow them to do a lot more with clouds because they can bypass some current limitation. I have no idea what that means in depth, but he said that. Lets hope for the best!


“To complain though just because of a degradation of LOD is a little childish”

Mate, if you’re selling a product getting people hooked and used to given standard, don’t expect them to take lightly lowering said standard after 1 year.

And you clearly don’t fly VFR, because drawing and popping is so off-putting, I’ve spent last 3 days not having fun but looking for ways to bring my experience to the standard I payed for and got used to (to no success, there is nothing to do against new culling system). And I also play on med specification (GTX 1060).