Graphics card error

Hello community,

I have been doing fine for over a year now but after I downloaded SU10, I received this error for first time ever. My graphics were set to high end, clouds on ultra, and trees on low and I’ve never had an issue. Does this mean I have to lower my settings now?


Had the same, usually 1 seconds after clicking Fly now.

Switch back to DX11 fixed it

@DNBOF I have not changed that as it still shows DX11

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Ah, not that then. I get it with DX12 but not with DX11 on a 2080Ti at 4k

@DNBOF I have a 2070 and didn’t have any issues before. Well this is wonderful

I get that once on first launch after update, then no more…

I get this on DX12 if I try and pop out the ATC menu. With a 3090.

Ive had this twice. DX11 with GTX 1050Ti. Never seen before SU10.

just had it now. this happened now several times since SU10

2 years … what a shame

I ran SU10 with the Nvidia Studio drivers without an issue.

Updated to the latest general release - 517.48 and all was well until I decided to use the Alt+Mouse option on a panel screen and immediately the Sim crashed with the message shown in the OP.

I was using DX12 with a 3080 card.

I’ve now seen it but only whilst in DX12 and tryng out a multi-monitor setup - adding a new render window brought up the error. Worked fine in DX11

I’ve now had this issue for the first time since release day.
I’m running triple monitors.
I’ve tried rolling back to the previous gc driver.
Complete uninstall and reinstall of msfs and community folders.
Running in safe mode it still crashes.
I’ve also downloaded the beta and it crashes here too.
I’ve run heaven and supersision to benchmark and stress the gpu and all that is good so the issue seems to be with msfs.
Does anyone have any answers to this?

There are basically three possible causes, any one or a combination of these should fix the issue.

  • MSFS is very sensitive to gpu memory overclocks even if there’s no heat issues. Undo them.

  • In Windows Hardware Accelerated Graphics is turned on by default and may still be turned on after a Windows update. Turn it off.

  • The latest GForce driver causes problems for some. Install either the studio driver or revert back to something more stable, 517.48 seems to be the most recent of them.

I’m sure Asobo, Microsoft and Nvidia will be working on a permanent fix.

Encountered this for THE FIRST TIME EVER today. It was right after i decided to turn H.A.G.S on + switch to “Prefer Maximum Performance” in Nvidia settings. I guess SU10 doesn’t like that. Or the culprit could be the latest Nvidia driver.

I think i remember doing this combo of settings before with previous sim updates without issues.

Using DX11 by the way.

I had the same error message.
I was in DirectX12, after reading these comments, I switched to DX11.
So my GPU usage went from 100% to 77%.
Flight made with the XCUB.

I think you have to tune MSFS to either DX11 or 12, settings might be different but end results should be pretty similar (unless using pop outs etc.) I prefer DX12 with my GPU topping out at about 98% on all ultra settings, that seems to suit my system perfectly but others might achieve better with DX11

may be we should mentioned an existing “main” topic related to the popup “Your graphics device has encountered a problem” reported from the OP

That contains hints how to avoid that ( e.g. gpu oc, xmp, and others ).

what you refere is mentioned within the topic I have already linked:

So let us discuss that in the relevant topic.

A summary: there are in meanwhile two different causes for that popup. The one relates to the nvidia driver 513.41 and DX12 ( easy fix: rollback to 513.29 or not use DX12(beta) ) and the other is older and is mostly discusssed in the linked topic ( quick hints as mentioned before ). It also seems, that sometime the dev-mode increase the probalitiy that its happens.

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Going into the MSFS options and turning off DX12(beta), putting it back to DX11, worked for me. This has been happening thorugh several versions of nVidia graphics drivers, including their certified studio drivers, which is why I opted for the DX change. I’m glad it worked.

Did the last update change the setting to DX12? I thought I was using DX11. I really wish Asobo would leave the settings alone when they update MSFS. This is not the first time my settings have been changed.