My system is a i7 with with a GTX 1650 GPU 16 gb Ram. Flying the Cessna 172 Skyhawk the glass cockpit lettering is very blurry and unreadable unless you zoom right in. I am wondering if I need to upgrade my GPU or add more memory. But overhaul the graphics are acceptable. Suggestions and advice would be welcome.
What resolution are you running at? 1080 HD is the minimum to make things “legible” at the default viewing distance in the cockpit.
Thanks for the reply. I am running 2560x1440. I have used the Geforce experiance program, it has adjusted the settings great the grapics are much better now.
If you want to take a look at my thread here, I recently upgraded from a GTX 1060 3gb card to a RTX 3070 and posted 4 videos so you can see what the cockpit will look like from the C172 at Ultra settings.
I also have different rendering settings so you can compre. 200, 150, and 100.
I am running 2560x1080 though.
I’m looking to upgrade my GTX 1070, too. Will wait and see what AMD brings to the game…
Thanks, very impressive. now I think I will upgrade my GPU instead of the flight controls.