So, I just tried a super simple experiment that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the hypothesis of this thread is spot on.
The maximum demonstrated crosswind component of a Cessna 172 is 17 kts. That is not a legal limitation, insofar as it’s not a violation of any FAR to attempt to takeoff or land in winds that have a higher crosswind component than that, but I’m not sure how relevant that is to the sim.
So, I set myself up on the end of a runway with precisely a 17 kt. crosswind. Using FULL RUDDER DEFLECTION, the wind blew me off the runway within about 100 feet, and I’m not talking about my left wheels going off, I was so far off that I would have died if this had been real life. At least 100 yards from the edge of the runway until I was able to get airborne, which only happened because you can take off a 172 at about 50 kts, or less.
What is happening is that the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) being calculated as effecting the vertical stabilizer is either way more than it should be, the coefficient of friction of the tires against the pavement is way less than it should be, or possibly a combination of both.
I repeated the test 3 times with identical results each time, independent of whether or not I steered the ailerons into the wind as you are taught to do during RL flight training.
I also attempting to taxi in the same crosswind, which was at least possible if I was at essentially a speed no faster than a normal walk, but quite difficult even at that.
I’ve made many crosswind landings during my piloting career (which is in all likelihood sadly over), and most of the time it becomes muscle memory to the point you don’t even have to think about it. I do doubt that I ever took off or landed with that much of a pure crosswind component, but that is the primary reason airports have multiple runways in different directions, so as to minimize the odds of even needing to attempt that.
However, for a sim self-described as ‘as real as it gets’, it’s done a ■■■■-poor job on this aspect. Don’t get me wrong, I have and always will be a fan, as I spend more time with this sim than most people do with their jobs, but this is something that has been an issue from day One and has never to my knowledge been addressed.
This is with the SU12 beta, but it’s not new.