Hi all! I noticed the following. My ground textures in MSFS2020 look really great only up to some 10.000 feet. At cruising altitude however, they look abysmal, straight out of a mobile flight sim game. These screenshots are taken from 35.000 feet for example. I’ve read on the forums that other users are also experiencing these extremely low res textures.
My graphics settings are set to ‘‘high’’ and I have a good enough internet connection (around 80 mbit/s). When in cruise, MSFS only uses 1 mbps at most, according to task manager.
I was wondering if this is intended behavior or if this is a legitimate issue known to the developers. This takes away a lot of the sightseeing fun from flying airliners in MSFS.
Please click on the images to enlarge them, then you can easily see the massively low resolution.
Answers to the standard questions:
Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.
This bug happens without any mods too
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Brief description of the issue:
The higher I go the worse the resolution of the ground textures become. At 35.000 feet I can literally see the pixels.
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Pick any aircraft and climb above land. The ground textures should get worse and worse in terms of resolution.
PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
9700k (stock), 2070 super, 32GB DDR4 3600 RAM, game installed on SSD.
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
I remember this occuring already before WU3, I think.
Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?