Grumman Albatross HU-16/G111 Thread

I know this is a little off topic, but after flying the Albatross for years in FSX, it is one of my favorite aircraft. My question is whether we can begin a flight from any body of water or just existing seaplane bases, such as Genoa or Naples. This was my only real complaint about FS2020 and I have been hoping that has been addressed.

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It’s a fair question - having a moor also be a temporary save/start point would be best-case, but I think it’s a limitation of the sim.

@Creekdog5658 Yes you can, for the first time ever! You can start on water anywhere you like, by clicking a point on the world map, and then selecting “set as departure point”. Then from the top dropdown menu change your custom location from “airborne” to “on ground, shutdown” or “on ground, ready for takeoff”.

And that’s it. :slight_smile:

Ps: I recommend using “on ground, ready for takeoff”. The sim is not currently respecting the apronwater.flt file settings, so if starting on the water and in shutdown state, the pitot cover will be on. This will require some divine water walking outside to fix. :wink: I’m working on a workaround for an update though.


Thank you so much! Looks like I need to free up drive space! LOL

That is, well, pretty difficult to understand.

Why would they do this to you developers?


@NixonRedgrave It certainly wasn’t intentional, just the reality of developing for a new platform that is under constant and rapid improvement.

Outside devs need a stable build to work with, which requires its own branch, and that one gets updated less often and with more care.

This was to be expected, and most issues are minor, but now that everyone’s on the same build everything will get sorted out. :slight_smile:


I guess it just reinforces the reality that it wasn’t ready. The dev alpha wasn’t that long ago.

I’m seeing aircraft devs being slated for issues that don’t sound like they are responsible for, if the sim changed as much as it has to affect these issues you’re fixing.

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I was thinking the same thing. What a mess this has become for everyone involved…

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I’m very happy to see this wonderful plane has a roadmap ahead.
I think Mike just created a classic here, it is already excellent but on the way to become a true classic for MSFS 2024.
It can land on water, on land, has great range, good speed,etc.

I visited one a couple of months ago and in Walkaround mode it feels exactly as irl, it’s a huge gentle monster.


Agreed, I love that I’ve got a Widgeon, Goose, and Albatross in my hangar! Small, medium, and large Grummans!


If we saw this kind of work ethic from MS/Asobo, everybody on these forums would be way, way happier.


The Albatross is easily one of the best planes in the simulator right now.


Yes, very nice aircraft.

The airspeed indicator isn’t moving here. Am I the only one?

Hi Mike, just wanted to tell that the G.111 had become my personal highlight besides the Airbus fleet - I really love that flying yacht concept and am thrilled to see where you are going with the whole aircraft down the line! Also kudos to the engine startup smoke and overall simulation!

While thinking about I first was pretty confused how MS called the aircraft (Amphibian Aerospace G.111) but that somewhat seems to be tied to the certificate owners (who are Amphibian Aerospace Industries). This however also gets me to…

I don’t know if possible (likely not as MS basically would have to actively commission this and maybe has to have a license agreement with AAI) but maybe there is a chance to bring the G.111T (“Albatross 2.0”) into play.

For these unfamiliar it’s basically going to be a new aircraft developed by AAI out of the G.111 using Garmin G1000 avionics and especially PT-6 turboprop engines, a new 28 seats cabin design with galley and luggage compartment for which at least renderings exist (so same story as with the ES-30).

Maybe you can shed some light onto your limitations here :wink:


Maybe you forgot to remove the pitot cover on the right hand side wing. At least I did so once.


Oh this thread is more lively. Thought the thread in the feedback forum was a bit dead :eyes: I posted my feedback over there [MSFS2024] Amphibian Aerospace Albatross G111/HU16

But in summary: I absolutely love this plane! Good to see the dev posting here as well. Looking forward to the updates.

I did not realise you could do this. My life is changed!

This is awesome


That’s probably the reason because I didn’t.


@Delta2k5 Thank you for the kind words! The G-111T was originally supposed to be part of this package actually, but they are so far from having a completed aircraft that 90% of any recreation would just be guesswork right now.

They currently only have a low resolution 3D concept model, and a single old HU-16 (in pieces) that they’re starting to refurbish and convert into their first prototype. They couldn’t provide any data on interiors or even panel layout yet. I think it will be another year until their first flight and production will start much later. When it is finished though, who knows? Maybe. :slight_smile:



I just got to wondering- with everything being streamed now, will we see any indication of the update getting pushed on our end at all?


You could check the version number under “my library”.

Also I think there will still be a toast message like with the “now available MSFS 2020 content” saying that certain things were updated and are ready to be used.