Guess where?

A real life picture I coincidentally took some weeks ago of the area just shows how bad water masks are unfortunately…


I landed at Wombat Claw Resort! :slight_smile:

(on the greeny bit on his front leg, if you can spot my orange helicopter :slight_smile:


Well done Niko, wombats are elusive creatures so you did well to find him. I think this wombat was hiding for a whole week.

The international airport just across the water there was to be the final clue had it proved necessary. Either the pilot or copilot gets a great view of wombat island depending on if they are taking off or landing from the north.

This is the satellite view, wombat upside down in the middle.

We can only hope that water masking of that quality comes to the sim sooner rather than later.

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Aha you shurely didn’t travel far, one of the new POI I see. :wink::beach_umbrella::sunglasses:

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Yes, a fort on the coast. I thought perhaps Fort Beekenberg:

But nope. Pity the fort is not flying a flag. That would narrow down the search considerably!
Perhaps the cross helps? - the Spanish were very religious folks back then, perhaps more so than the French & English…?
As for the humming-bird clue - thinking… does not compute… thinking… :thinking:

I dropped an extra clue, it may be quite subtle. :thinking:

@ RagingWombat839: Well, silly me. There I was, looking for a fort, when all along I should have been looking for a Temple :wink::

I’m getting everything wrong today. The fort is a) not Spanish, but English, and b) apparently not named after a Hollywood actress!


Haha nice one, yes it was the Guv’nor.

You should claim the prize, I don’t think anyone is ready for another Wombat puzzle after the last one!

As to the hummingbird, I assume it’s from the shape of Guadeloupe with the bird flying to the east, unless I’ve missed something else?


Well, if I’m up next, perhaps I should give everyone a choice. I’m rather enjoying flying around the Carribean. Last night I was flying around Saint Lucia - great fun. So, do we want to stay in the warm, tropical waters of the Carribean? I’ve an idea for a pic, but have yet to check it out. Or do we want to go elsewhere? I have another idea for a puzzle in colder climes based on a flight I took last week. Thoughts?

Your choice! :slight_smile:

We better not say, as that would count as a first clue!

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You’re supposed to say where it is when you claim the prize, but since it’s obviously known then at least clarify it’s Fort Shirley, Dominica and not Fort Shirley, Pennsylvania. :grin:

Also surely everyone knows which movie the quote I was referencing is from, very appropriate of course.

nice one, that was fast ! sorry I was away of the forum :zipper_mouth_face: , glad another hint hasn’t been necessary

indeed ! you got all piece in place :wink:, I stayed in the wombat area I was not really inspired. :blush:

Been scanning a bit many island, what a mess they did with water masking :face_with_thermometer:

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The forums were off-line to me for most of last night. Should have the next “guess where” posted later today…

Carribean Cruise

OK, I thought I’d try something a bit different this time - I’m not going to give you a screenshot of the target that you need to find! :smiley:
Instead, to win this “Guess Where”, you’ll need to identify and take a picture of a POI that was included in WU16.

To find the POI:

  • First, identify the 3 departure airports (all in the Carribean) from the picture clues below.
  • Next, from the following data, determine where the target POI is.
  • Finally, fly from any airport to take a pic of the target POI. :mage:
    The Flying Time given below was for the JMB VL3, but any aircraft with a cruise speed of around 130 KTAS should work.

Departure Airport / Distance to Target / Flying Time
1 / 144 NM / 1:06
2 / 037 NM / 0:17
3 / 108 NM / 0:49

Airport #1:

Airport #2:

Airport #3:

Have fun! :small_airplane:


Airplane! (I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley!)

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Your ‘couple of pixels’ comment really threw me haha. It’s a huge wombat!

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That was a fun one, nice idea!

So far so good. The problem is I don’t know what the answer is. The distances you gave were somewhat different to the world map reports for me, out by about 10% which threw me for a while there.

There are two POIs new for WU16 on Saba and they are close together, so with the distance inaccuracies it must be either of these.

I wonder if there was a statue mile vs nautical mile switchup somewhere along the line? That would account for about 10%.

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Well done Wombat! You got the POI! :partying_face:

The POI I chose was the church, but realized after I posted that the comm tower could also be right as it was so close - less than a long runway’s length, so either POIs can be considered correct.

The distances were taken from the world map:

My bad - I had a typo for #3. Should have been 113 NM, not 108 NM. I think the latter was from an earlier measurement at a different zoom level. It took a couple of attempts to get the right screenshots to merge into the map above.

Here is another view, this time setting the fuel levels to show the potential search areas once you had identified the airports:

For those who have not tried it yet, check out the landing challenge at Saba - it’s a blast!

Though I manage to stop before plummeting over the cliff at the end of the runway, I have a ways to go before I get an A grade!

OK, Wombat, you’re up for the next challenge…

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Aha nice trick on the range circles there.

The sim is inconsistent on distances, it was showing me 72km for TQPF earlier, to the radio tower, now it shows 70km. Even to the church it shows 69km whereas 37nm should be 66.6km. I wonder if it adds the runway distance on, and maybe it depends on which runway it selects?

As for the landing challenge, every landing at Saba is a challenge, you just need to turn up there and try to land! It helps if you’re in a cub or kitfox or similar.

Next up is this picture, continuing my occasional theme of things that just look nothing like real life.

This one was so comically bad I decided to complete the scene with a highly appropriate aircraft.

There’s a very easy way to find this place, in less than 2 minutes. It’s quite topical to a recent challenge if you can happen on the right approach.

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It looks as pixelated as this place…
Is it on the left side of that 1st photo?
Or under the bridge to the right on the 2n d pic.

Can’t load the sim until later tonight.

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