Guess where?

Pure random guess but the Bikini islands.

Not Bikini, but it’s the same ocean

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Ujae Airport I’d say, Ujae Atoll

No. Different Atoll

Next one across then is Lae Atoll with a similar airport position

I think I also have it…

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Actually I think it’s Aur Airport Tabal. The ground pattern is more accurate

Different part of the ocean. It’s not part of the Marshall islands or Micronesia

Another tip:
Geographically and politically it belongs to an important island chain that is considered to be part of Polynesia. But since this particular atoll was never inhabited and is farther North within this island chain, it is no longer considered to be part of Polynesia.

Well, since there hasn’t been a single attempt in 12h+ I think it’s time for one of our aliens to solve this riddle :slight_smile:

@Shack952514 was the first one to find…


Agreed. :+1:t2:

I think it‘s the Kure Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.


Yep, that’s it :slight_smile:


I looked through all those atolls and islands, and stopped at Midway itself. One more, just one more lol


Here’s the next one


I’ve got it! Mountainland!

Close but no cigar. It would have been Mountain-Sealand. Sorry mate.

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Atlas Mountains in Morroco?

No, it’s not in Morocco.