Guide – How to configure Cockpit Views / Cameras using Custom Camera controller assignments

Hi Ayman, and Flight SImmers !

Thanks you fixed one of my issues, which is having a cockpit pilot view thats not too close of the windshield by using ‘‘Translate Backward’’. But now is there a way to make it default that way? Because after moving around in the cockpit, when I use my ‘‘Reset Cockpit View’’ hotkey it brings my face into the windshield again. Before I used the zoom feature, but you are right about distorsion, and it also messes with my custom camera views inside the aircraft.

Essentially save my Translated Backwards view as the Default cockpit view ?

I saved a custom camera to where I want it and then I have mapped my Joystick hotkey button to ‘‘Load Custon Camera 1’’. But you notice it’s not the real default cockpit view because sometime, it’ll bring my face in the front windshield again and have to press again to load that preset. Ideally I’d wish to use the ‘‘Reset Cockpit View’’ command in order to have a view matching my Custom Camera 1.

Thanks so much, this is really helping out with cameras !!
Heres the default (Face in the window) can’t see surroundings :

Here’s the view I would like to use as default cockpit view (I used the ‘‘Translate Backward’’ command to set the view) :

It doesn’t look too bad on those little picture, but on my 32’’ Curved monitor there is a much bigger difference. Also while in the air.

Sorry for my broken english !