[GUIDE] Mission Creation

You’re a star! That’s fixed it, and also reduced the delay between dialogue nodes that you get with TTS. So awesome!

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Hi, As we are talking about about dialog actions. Does anyone know

  1. How to have a delay in front of a DialogAction sound? There is a checkbox “DelaySeconds” but I tested it creates a delay after the sound was played but I need one before. Also I’m not sure what “EndAcrtionDelaySeconds” then means.
  2. What the checkbox in the DialogAction “Can be suspended” & “skippable” means?

Thank you.

“DelaySeconds A delay in seconds after the text and audio are rendered. Can be used to allow time for the user to respond to the dialog, before performing another action.”

I also thought it would delay the dialog… today we learned something new hehe. Maybe we need to add silence in the beginning of the WAV file to accmplish a delay?

That is exactly what I need, a delay before the sound.
What I do to get around this is, I add an additional SoundAction note before the one where I need the delay. I that one I but a space " " character as text and then set the DelaySecond to the the amount of time I want to wait before the DialogAction with the actual sound is played.

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Very good solution! And it doesn´t take a lot of disk space either, as a WAV would do.

Yes, you don’t even need a sound file for this one. The " " in the text field just creates a silence.

I am looking for a good way to trigger a DialogAction when landing and finishing a leg and let the text be completely read before the screen changes. Any ideas?

I’m actually working on something similar when I touch down, my flight attendant welcome the passengers naming the city where landed (if sound file available) .
I will paste a screenshot of my nodes later if it works. I’m using landing triggers to identify the airports (one for each airport) (its somewhere in the action menu), and then play sound for each of them. Little difficult to explain. Will post a picture later.


Anyone managed to get an point of interests displayed? Or 3d models / objects?

@DonDone3153 has some 3d models / objects in his latest bush mission.

Create a new scenery in SDK, where put objects. Somehow it will probably be posible, to do this directly in the bush trip project, but I don’t know how, so i do the scenery independently and then provide it together with the bush trip. If you had this in mind.

Looking at the Halloween Landing Challenge, it seems like putting a scenery folder in the “root” folder should fix it. Unzip and look at the file structure.

Done it by looking here:

Trigger two actions (dialogaction + objectactivationaction) where one of them triggers a timeraction to delay the mission end. Works so good!

LOL, made my day^^

Cool, thanks a lot. I will take a look at it. The https://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki seems to be very helpful!

SF2020 has now seatbelt sounds by default for the airliners when using the switch. The documentation says you can read those from a variable. I have not tested it yet.
But does anyone know where that chime sound file in FS2020 is located?


Does anyone know how to change an airplane setting. With the property trigger you can for example read an airplane setting, like

<SimMission.PropertyTrigger InstanceId="{C24A7FC0-ADBC-4415-8EE7-1C4754AFFE40}" id=“PT_seatbelt_is_on”>
< ReversePolishCondition>(A:CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH, bool) < /ReversePolishCondition>
< Actions>

< /Actions>
< /SimMission.PropertyTrigger>

returns true if the cabin seat belt is turned on (tested and worked)

But I can also use CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH to change the switch in the cockpit panel instead of reading it. Does anyone know how to do that?

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In Simdirector there was a script node you could use to add 1 (>K:CABIN_SEATBELTS_ALERT_ SWITCH_TOGGLE) for example.

Not sure that functionality has been added to the mission editor as yet.

Only with SimConnect.

Thanks, yeah I do not want to use 3rd party software.