Hard time flying the new helicopters

It’s a nightmare with a controller. Firstly, you can’t fine tune the yaw/pitch trim. As soon as you highlight the knob and move the stick, the figure runs away. It’s a reflex game trying to stop it at a reasonable value… and sometimes the stick axis are not consistent either. You never know which trim will start running and in which direction.

Stick sensitivity is all over the place, flying is basically a constant struggle. Earlier today I spent 10 minutes rotating, climbing and falling around the departure spot before I could finally stabilize and start flying somewhere.

Even when you’re en route, the helicopter keeps bobbing up and down, descending and ascending, never being stable in flight. Again, trim simply cannot be adjusted properly on the fly.

Turning is another challenge as the rudder input only upsets the aircraft mid-flight. Oh and if you have rotor assist off, then no amount of rudder can stop the helicopter from spinning endlessly.

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