Heading Increment Bug (10 degree instead of 1) Explained

This would indicate the root cause of input acceleration is not corrected in the latest update yet, only some of the input acceleration at a level maybe closer to the input polling loop only, whereas the root cause is a global acceleration “state” which should be implemented as a per-input acceleration “state” instead. For optimization purposes it is possible the code is not maintaining and checking a per-input state, but a state for some inputs only, and they’d need therefore to manually add the ones they want to differentiate in a list of some sort. But this is just speculation at this stage.

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I don’t know if any control can potentially be accelerated or if this is something set in the control’s properties. Trim in particular should never be accelerated under any circumstances (when operated by yoke switches by the pilot). It should always move at a constant speed - at least for electrical trim.

Some real aircraft have a low and high speed trim function, but that only comes into play when the autopilot is controlling trim - never when the pilot it controlling it directly.


Just a note to so the latest update solved the issue for me using the TCA Thrust master throttle quadrant. Both ENG buttons and IGN button now work fine. After a lot of updating, tidy of my community folder, GeForce driver update, livery updates and A320 Flyby wire ( no longer a mod but its own aircraft ) and creating a large cache everything is working fantastic and very smooth on high/ultra settings. Am cautiously optimistic this is a real and massive improvement.

I noticed yesterday that the Trim Wheel on my Bravo doesn’t work so well with the fix. I know it is because it is no longer being accelerated because of this last update. Is there a way of using a button or keyboard command to implement the acceleration?

Hopefully they can give us a checkbox or something similar in the control settings allowing us to accelerate any control we want. Kinda like the old repeat sliders in FSX. But they did improve the situation. Annoyances remain, but at least it’s about missing functions rather than broken functions. On the other hand… if it ain’t broke not as many people are going to complain about it, so it will go way down in the list of priorities. It’s going to be a while until we see an update on this topic, i assume.

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Yeah, it is just an annoyance and not ground breaking like it was before. I use AP most of the time anyway so not a big deal. Just would like to see a way around it.

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It is - When I check for updates in the store, there aren’t any.

Update: After clicking the update button like a hamster on speed it finally updated to - Launching sim now, hoping the knob got fixed



The most recent update (WU4) fixed the increment bug. There is still some acceleration for the dial knobs but only if you turn the dial enough, which is perfectly fine and appreciated.

This item was delivered as part of World Update 4 (