Heart Aerospace ES-30 crashed alone in Career Mode


Description of the issue:

-My plane heart aerospace es-30 crashed alone with a big push back when i was on the ground.I just started to put power at engines to go on track to align and take off.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:

-Heart Aerospace ES-30

I had the issues in this situation.

-In career mode on a mission. The first mission i don’t remember but for the second mission it was at KAFW - Ft Worth Alliance for the mission Flight#PAO6514 - Nashville - Gate open. I just skip step until the step to go on track for take off.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?

-I didn’t put any add-ons or mods


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?

-This is the second time. I used this plane just 3-4times (including the 2 crashes).


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

1.Career mode
2.With the heart aerospace es-30
3.I next the 2 first step and go directly to the take off part
4.I’m in front of the track, I ask for authorization/receive authorization, i release the parking brake
5.I begun to put power to align on track
6.And now, the plane got a big push back and the game say i crashed.

If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

-Xbox controller

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

-I don’t use developer mode or i didn’t made any changes

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?

-Msi Rtx 4090 suprim x 24Go

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?

-i9 9900k
64 Go RAM


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.

-I can’t add screenshot or video because i don’t know when it’s occur and the exact reason and my plane is now grounded for repair.


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Are you also experiencing that issue in freeflight or is it just in career mode ?

I didn’t use the freeflight yet. I just played on career mode since the beginning. So i can just say that for the career mode.

I will try this plane on freelight to see if there is the same problem.

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Here is a feedback :

I tried multiple times in freeflight with the plane but there is no problem. I think the problem is when you are on career mode and you skip steps. Because other times the plane is just blocked and don’t move to go on track even with full throttle and parking brake release. So i think the problem can occur only when you skip steps with the plane.

Thanks for reporting. Topic moved to User Interface & Activities since issue is more likely linked to the career-mode . Title updated.

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I got a tons of problems with this aircraft in my fleet like “aircraft crashed” when I’m at the gate, if I skip to get on the runway I get another message telling me I didn’t do all the ground steps and if I manage to take off the airplane will nose dive for no reason during the flight with AP on following the FMS… I have stopped playing since because it’s too much, cost me a ton of CR to repair it each time. I’m very disapointed…


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• same as OP’s

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
• It’s also with the 737, seems like a problem with airline jobs, maybe the planes spawning wrong? i had two crashes with the E-30 and one with the 737, all before i was in the plane, right after the mission loaded.


In Career Mode, when skipping through the steps to just before takeoff, I’ve had a couple different planes unable to move because the chocks weren’t removed during the Skip step.

Hilarious workaround if you get to the Hold Short Line and have chocks on

  1. Idle the engine.
  2. Parking brake on
  3. Shift-C (or console equivalent) to get out of the cockpit.
  4. Remove Chocks
  5. Shift-C (or console equivalent) to get back in the cockpit.
  6. Continue normally.
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Now the problem arise a couple of time. It’s not specifically when i skip. First sometimes the plane appear IN some building or objects. After we don’t have a check of the plane step in career mode. In freeflight you need to remove somes pieces before the fly but in career mode there is any. You go in the plane and the game after few seconds skip alone the on boarding of passengers step, the pushback step and you’re already pushed back. After that it’s where it’s random, sometimes you put power at the engines and you go forward normally but sometimes you put power at the engines and you go backward and if you put to much power the plane do a wheeling in backward. Also if you have luck to go forward i don’t know why but the rpm of the plane blades go crazy like you put 100% of power engine even if the power is not 5% and it’s calm down when you put full throttles. And a the stop before the track somtimes when you skip steps your plane is blocked…

There are many problem with this kind of planes…

Maybe is me but when i put the autopilot and i activate the NAV the plane don’t follow it so i must go manually.
Or sometimes the electronics system cut off i don’t know why so i need to activated another power
Or when we go on a certain ALT and a certain SPEED, the plane is waving ! up and down or when you speed up the game and follow the NAV the plane do a left-right and faster the speed of the game is more violent the plane will wave (same with the 737 max).

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In career / passenger mission. Every time you board the plane and the passengers are about to board, a loading screen starts and ends with the message Airplane crashed.


I just had this issue. I hope there is patch for this soon.

I had different issues, like the jump of the plane (so crash) when mission begins, and engine malfunction and crash (that cost me 4.4 Millions)
! the plane is now brand new (again …), i tried a fly, but i had again this engine malfunction … so i had stop it, and see later when it will be fixed !

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes

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• same as OP’s

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I just started, and this happend with no input. I could see the plane for a small moment before exit screen and its nose was 90 degree into the air…
I thought okay this was unique, so I transfered to another airport and started a different mission, but the exact same happend. I was spending all my money on this plane and now I am stuck because of repair bills. -_-

In career mode, bought the plane, delivered it to KLAX had a mission right there so I started it. Got into the mission, entered the plane and before I could do anything right after the automated mission announcements plane crashed and mission failed.

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ya same here I have 200 hours in and now I have no CR left because of glitches like this one … half the time my passive income does not pay out or pays out very little never seems to be the same day to day, it just does not respect our time at all sadly

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• I had the same. Moreover I found out that having the ES-30 in my fleet made all my planes crash for no reason. I was crashing for no reason whaever plane I was flying when I had a ES-30 in my airline company. I sold the ES-30 and all the unexplicable crashes I was having with my other planes stopped. Therefore the simple fact of having a ES-30 made all my planes crash. There is a major fix here. Also why bring an ES-30 in career mode when there are no ATR or Twin Otter. It is a non sense

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes, on my Xbox Series S, i didn’t Skip any steps, but the plane crashes anyway.

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Bought the ES-30 yesterday after spending hours to get it, and on my first “flight” the plane crashed.

-removed Parking break
-pressed Throttel button 2-3 times
-plane uncontrollable goes backwards and crashes

New plane now has everything Red but still usable so i started another flight today, and same again -.- now the plane is completely done and beyond repair.
Around 30 hours of flight just gone in seconds, Thanks Microsoft.

Cant include my Video here

My Crashes on yt youtube. com/watch?v=s3vj6gWijGw


In freeflight its normal, It just crashes in carrer mode. Im gonna test if with a brand NEW E-30 happens the same thing. Hope not.

YO, MICROSOFT, fix this planes please, we Really want to use It (in our own company)

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