I had this happened at the begining. What I’ve learned, is to not try anything with efb, because whenever I’ve tried to edit FL or FPL I got the bug u talking about. Then simply edit it while flying with canceling IFR ;p
Apparently the issue is with ground vehicles. If there is ground vehicles at your gate, you can fly the mission but if there isn’t, it will fail. Anyone can confirm?
Thank you for the bug report.
We have created an internal ticket to see if our team already has this logged, and if not they will attempt to reproduce the issue and create a new bug report. This item is now marked as feedback-logged. If there is an existing bug report or one is created, we will move this thread to bug-logged.
Same problem for me
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Heres a list of issues I identified when testing in career
ES30 reverse thrust is equal to that of a falcon 9 rocket - unusable
ES30 has no generators in its two turboprop engines to recharge LOWBATT
ES30 will still drain HI batteries when hybrid engines are shut down
ES30 is missing the two turbogens which should exist in the aft of the plane.
ES30 is at high risk of depleting all battery power during flight, which also results in loss of avionics.
Autothrottle does not operate engines safely - the turboprops will fail on their own - sometimes only 15 minutes after takeoff when using autothrottle
There are no warnings related to engine faults or failures
ES30 cannot reach it’s defined max range ( all engines will be long dead ).
button is not mapped to the correct AP function, and is instead mapped to theSPEED
On G1000,IAS
is the same asFLC
on other AP units by Garmin - the only way you canFLC
is with a keyboard shortcut. -
should be level change, and not engage autothrottle
- only the
button should affect throttle.
- only the
Hybrid thrust does not affect rate of battery depletion - batteries will drain even if not using electric props. the only way to preserve the Busses is to directly shut off the batteries.
What’s missing:
- Aft Turbogens ( as defined by Heart ) to recharge HI BATT bus
- Generators in the tow turboprop engines to recharge LOW BATT bus
- A working IAS/FLC button which is not crosslinked with SPEED.
You got it right. After two failed feelance missions, the third, choosing a big airport as departure point was successful
Reverser thrust is a joke. When switching back to forward thrust, I got my plane crashed while I was not moving…
Second this post I have seen 90% of these issue first hand
Same problem as the OP, this aircraft is completely unplayable in career mode.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• yes the heart es30 is unplayable.in career
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• needs to be fixed
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• Yes
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• I’ve tried at multiple airports of different sizes in Europe (e.g. EHAM, ENGM, ENTO, EKCH, ENBR and more), and in almost all situations I get that crash, and often a 75k-150k bill to fix the landing gear. I’ve tried doing absolutely nothing and wait for a minute, I’ve tried to request passenger boarding via the ATC ground options, and it fails. The furthest I’ve got was at one airport where the passengers boarded (can’t recall which, I tested so many), but then the plane went immediately into reverse thrust (I had forgot to reset my thrust levers), and crashed.
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Same problem here. Grinded so hard for the cash as well now it’s unplayable -.- Really great thing you got going here, devs…
Description of the issue: the heart aerospace is bugged and is basically broken for missions.
When you go to increase the throttle for the first time even just slightly you zoom backwards rapidly for some reason and crash. If you crash it about 4 times it finally fixes itself and you can move forward. The aircraft also often will fall from the sky on start and crash. A lot of times atc never gives you the option for ifr clearance. If you skip the cruise section of a flight you appear on decent with the planes electrics totally off with blank screens and the flight plan totally gone from the aircraft’s nav system. Also I’m not sure if this is a bug but the batteries for the low and high voltage systems and props almost always run out before the flight is over. Sometime I won’t even get to see the initial mission screen because it says I crashed already. I was so excited by the idea of this aircraft and it’s look and capabilities and would love to purchase one for my career but it would do nothing but ruin my rep and cost me money. I would love to fly it properly
If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
Heart aerospace
How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
At least one catastrophic bug in every flight I’ve tried.
Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:
1.selected a airliner mission in career mode that uses the aircraft
2.tried to start the mission
3.crashy bo bashy
*Please add a screenshot or video of the bug.
No need you know whatsup
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In career mode no comm functions work. Penalties apply continuing without taxonor tske off permissions.
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Tried ES30 in free flight and the simulation of this is broken. High voltage battery power drops to zero before completing 500nm trip. Shut down electric engines to conserve power works but low voltage power also reduces and auto pilot shuts off mid flight. Eventually all low voltage electrical systems.
There is no way to activate any electrical generators on aircraft. This is an insult to Heart industries who developed this plane.
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• Yes
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Further update on last post.
Although career mode requires alt n to take off, no response to any previous procedures.
I have now overcome the battery drain issue.
After take off, swith off one of the lv batteries and all but one hv batteries.
During flight monitor battery levels on esb performance tab battery.
One electric engine may shut down during the flight but switch on the one or two of previously isolated batteries and swith off the one left on.
Batteries should show as recharging indicated by green bars growing above the blue existing charge. Monitor the levels as the recharge.
Lv and hv charge levels ob flight display should hold around 40%.
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I should have read all this before I spent the money on the plane. Same issues, then tried to push through after the first couple failures. I finally got to taxi to the runway. Then the plane tilted immediately the right as I throttled up and crashed. Caused no damage so that is a plus.