Help-> MSFS on external drive won't open (NEW didn't happen before)

I have MSFS on external drive named E used it all the time no issues. Now it wouldn’t open everything kept trying to open it from path C; I keep getting the error path not found. I changed the userconfig folder still won’t work now I’m trying to locate the msfs.exe
Got it from the MS store and have everything updated.

Notice: Will not re-download it will take 1.2 weeks and I’m not doing it again.

Give us a screenshot of File Explorer of your E: drive and MSFS folder.

Here is mine:

Note: I put the Rolling Cache folder there.

Create a folder called MSFS on E: and move your community and official folders there. Then uninstall MSFS (and delete any remaining sim files on E). On your PC update xbox and gaming services and reinstall MSFS (no more than 15GB), when you get to the splash scene with the box at the bottom asking for packages location click on it and point it to E:\MSFS. All of a sudden it will no longer want to redownload the hundreds of GBs you already have there.

E:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2106959451-3097755559-2746318283-1001\AppData\Local\Packages Then I get to the license section and game file section I have none of those folders

One folder below WpSystem is XboxGames, look in there for the executable

That folder is empty I actually just created it today because xbox games was set to download to C: DRIVE

Well I didn’t know that. Anyway as I said earlier, so long as you safeguard your content then actually resetting or reinstalling MSFS is no big deal.

What are the steps for this method. I removed thrustmaster from my community folder what steps should I take

To be safe you should uninstall any peripherals or addons that sit in Windows settings/apps then basically you can just move (or temporarily rename) Community and Official to a folder in a location of your choice (except the default path). Then either reset or reinstall the sim in the settings/apps menu. Once the base files are installed you can start the sim and at the bottom of the splash screen it will ask where your want your packages to be installed … just click on it and point it to the folder where Community and Official already sit and it will automatically recognise that you don’t need to download them all again. Once the sim is up and running you can reinstall your periphs etc.

I have to reinstall the base game? (nothing in community folder) that took 3 days the first time with no addons

Yup just the base game excluding official, it took me no more than 20 minutes on my 50 Mbps set up. Check your content manager afterwards for any stray updates - Official is where all the volume lies and you already have it.

Could you do a deeper walkthrough?

Not much deeper … Create a new folder E:/MSFS and move your Community and Official folders there then it should be safe to uninstall MSFS and reinstall (preferably to C:) from the store (or steam). You will get a smallish download which will allow you to start MSFS and reach the install screen. Pay attention to the blue box at the foot of the page, if it asks for an install location then just carry on with the default however if it asks for the packages location you must click on the box and guide it to the E:/MSFS folder. MSFS proper should then start but if it starts downloading fs-base etc. then immediately close the sim and locate the newly created UserCfg.opt file … at the bottom of the page edit the packages location with the correct E:/MSFS path and save. Then restart MSFS, it should instantly recognise you don’t need any more downloads. Once in the game visit your content manager for any minor updates … Good luck.

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FULL DOWNLOAD going to take at least 8 days to fully download

Whoah … have a look through your drives for your full community and official folders, if you followed my advice they are still there.

they accidentaly got deleted

What happened? did you still have them in their default location or mispell the folders in the new location or something similar? If so you should have stopped the download and corrected this.

fully redownloaded and loaded it but still have the same problem it still tries to open from C: I bought a 500gb nvme ssd put it in my laptop and msfs solely on it even named it flight1 the userconfig file is even right

Evertime I try to launch any exucatble it tries to find it on c: instead of m

turns out you need every drive installed and if you have solid works it causes a bunch of other issues