Help With Settings For PC & Quest 2

I have been out of the loop for a while with MSFS 2020. I am back with more free time now and was hoping to get some help with settings for my pc and Quest 2. I really would just like to get some feedback on settings for my Nvidia card, Oculus 2, Oculus Debug Tool, and in game settings. I know all these are asked all of the time, but I have spent hours playing with settings and just can’t find the sweet and smooth spot after several reformats and installs. My specs are:

GIGABYTE GA-A320M-S2H Motherboard
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan Z DDR4 32GB
WD Blue 3D NAND 500GB Internal PC SSD
Windows 11
Quest 2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hi, I use a Quest 2 with my i7-10700K and RTX3070, Win10.

Happy to share an overview of my settings later today, I’m not at my desk at the moment. I’m very happy with quality and performance across all types of aircraft in different locations and weather.


Use the debug tool to narrow FOV to 0.8 or 0.7, use DLSS - Quality with all settings on High End and LOD on 200. That works for me with a very similar system, Turning on reprojection in the FS2020 menu also helps. Some planes are too much for it like the PMDG 737 but most work well. Glass cockpits are not the sharpest but for me this is the best and most reliable VR has ever been in the game so it’s a step forward.

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Thanks DeltaFlyer44. Look forward to trying them out.

Thanks EverydayAsh8932. I will try these out. I also read a post that with the FOV set one side to 0.8 and other side to 0.7 it helps with clarity. Not sure why but worth trying.

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Just out of curiosity, does anyone notice a difference between Windows 10 and 11 with MSFS? I have a backup base image for windows 10 so I have no problem going back, but is it worth it?

21H2 (w11) works fine for me.

Good to know. Saves me a lot of time. :grinning:

I’m on a 3080 ti and i9-11900K
Here I my settings. I use Motion Reprojection (can’t live without) and Airlink with a fast wifi router nearby and computer internet connected with ethernet cable. (1Gb)
I’ve set headset to 90Hz, openXR tool frame rate throttling 45, oculustray tool 18Hz
In order to make MR work smoothly you have to stay under a certain threshold. Best thing to start with oculusTrayTool Default Super Sampling at a lower value (1.0) and work your way up.

I assume you know changing a setting in oculusTrayTool doesn’t always stick right away. Need to re save sometimes and repeat Ctrl + Tab
Flipping back from 2D to VR sometimes overloads the CPU/GPU a bit. The frame rate then locks at 1 or 2fps. Especially when you get to higher DSS (> 1.6) in oculusTrayTool. This can take up to 30 secs before going back to normal. So be a bit patient there.

I don’t use the oculus debug tool anymore. Doesn’t seem necessary anymore after various Oculus updates.

All nVidia driver settings are set to default.


good luck.
oh, and PC window mode set to full screen seems to work better.

Thanks Jingle1966. Just wondering I have seen other post where since the update 10 and 11 some are no longer using openXR. I still have it installed but have not used it yet. Do you still find that it helps?

Btw - I do know that the OTT does have to re-saved a lot. That was another enigma that took me a long time to figure out. Thanks for all the info. Cold, rainy day so I am going to test MSFS all day.

Once I adjust Oculus Debug Tool / OTT settings to what I want, I use a simple one-click desktop shortcut to a BAT file that runs OculusDebugToolCLI.exe with the settings. Here is an example:

echo server:asw.Clock45 >> “TEMP.txt”
echo perfhud set-mode 0 >> “TEMP.txt”
echo service set-pixels-per-display-pixel-override 1.6 >> “TEMP.txt”
echo service set-client-fov-tan-angle-multiplier 0.75 0.75 >> “TEMP.txt”
echo service enable-adaptive-gpu-perf-scale off >> “TEMP.txt”
echo exit >> “TEMP.txt”
call “C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugToolCLI.exe” -f “%~dp0\TEMP.txt”
del “TEMP.txt”

//For Clarity MAX, set Base Res at 72Hz,5408x2736, Encoder res = 3648, Bitrate=200,Sharpen=1
//Clock30 actually means one-third of 90 (=30) but if the HMD is set to 72fps, then the result is 24Hz ASW
// ASW options are 45,30,and 18 ( Why not one-fourth = 22.5)
//perfhud set-mode 1 shows Performance (1->7) and reset removes it
//layerhud set-mode 1 shows Pixel Density and FOV and reset removes it
//For more settings, startup OculusDebugToolCLI.exe and try the various help options

I just tried without openXRtool but it becomes very choppy.

I don’t use any tools or other 3rd party stuff apart from the FOV but that’s part of Oculus. I think artificially sharpening GFX is a bad idea, they look terrible, but each to their own on that one.


Sorry for the delay with getting back to you with my MSFS settings with Quest 2. Copy of my settings below, I’m really happy with these settings, I fly all types of aircraft in all types of locations.

I use official link cable with 80Hz and my headset resolution is set to 4864 x 2448. These settings also work fine on Airlink. If you find instruments are too blurry on the flight deck, switching back to TAA mode is also fine in conjunction with 72Hz capped at 36 FPS.

My hardware:
i7-10700K, RTX 3070, 32GB RAM, Quest 2, Win10

In nvidia control panel, my max frame rate is capped at 40 FPS and I have anistropic filtering set to 8x (this also sets Texture filtering - anistropic sample option to ‘Off’ and Texture filtering - Negative LOD bias to ‘Clamp’. My max 'Background Application Max Frame Rate is also set to 40 FPS).

In Oculus Debug Tool, distortion curvature is set to low and my encode bitrate is manually set to 300 Mbps when using the cable. Remember to set it back to 0 when using AirLink.

I also use a batch script to set the following in Oculus Debug Tool:

echo > NORMAL40.txt
echo service set-pixels-per-display-pixel-override 1.0 >> NORMAL40.txt
echo service set-client-fov-tan-angle-multiplier 0.90 0.80 >> NORMAL40.txt
echo service set-use-fov-stencil false >> NORMAL40.txt
echo exit >> NORMAL40.txt
call “C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusDebugToolCLI.exe” -f “%~dp0\NORMAL40.txt”
del NORMAL40.txt

With the OpenXR Toolkit, I use the following:

Performance Tab:
Upscaling/Sharpening = CAS
Sharpness = 94%
Fixed Foveated Rendering = off
Turbo mode = off
Frame rate throttling = 40

Appearance Tab:
Post Processing = Off
World scale = 113.5% (55.6mm)

Shaking reduction = -10%

Within MSFS itself (my in-game settings):
Anti-aliasing = nvidia dlss super resolution
nvidia dlss super resolution = dlaa
AMD fidelityfx sharpening = 200
reprojection mode = off
world scale = 100
nvidia reflex low latency = on+boost

Terrain LOD = 100
Off screen terrain pre-caching = ultra
Terrain vector data = medium
Building, Trees, Grass and Bushes = all medium
Objects LOD = 100
Clouds = medium
texture resolution = medium
anistropic filtering = off
texture supersampling = 4x4
texture synthesis = medium
water waves = high
shadow maps = 1024
terrain shadows = 512
contact shadows = medium
windshield effects = high
ambient occlusion = medium
cubemap reflections = 192
raymarched reflections = off
light shafts = medium
bloom = on
glass cockpit refresh rate = high

My traffic settings are set to real-time online, I use live weather, and photogrammetry is enabled.

In my usercfg.opt file, sharpen is set to ‘0’.

I rarely use ASW because I don’t need it under most circumstances. If I do, I use 30Hz mode via a batch script.

Note - you can also use 72Hz mode on teh Quest 2, and cap your max FPS to 36 which also works fine. My eyes can see the flicker and it get’s uncomfortable after a while. That’s the only reason I use 80Hz mode. But most of the time I can hold 40FPS so it isn’t an issue.

Hope these settings are of some use. Sing out if you have any questions.


Hi, hopefully I can help here, a bit. You and I don’t have terribly dis-similar systems. I’m on an i9-9900k with a 3080 Ti running a Q2 using the link cable. It took me weeks of experimenting, watching other settings guides, tweaking, experimenting, re-tweaking, cursing, re-experimenting… lol… you get the picture… until finally I settled in on a configuration that provides smooth, stutter free VR experience in MSFS. I’ll post this here because it’s a quick watch-through and it’s more in-depth in terms of Oculus Settings, MSFS settings, OXR Toolkit settings, etc than I can type here.

Your experience may differ and you may just want to use this as a starting point, then tweak settings down a bit for your system as appropriate. But it could help get a baseline. Sorry for the click-baity title… I am not very good at producing ready-made content :rofl: … live stuff - I’m ok at… pre-recorded stuff… well just use it to get the settings that may help you -

Hey im new to the forum so i have to piggy back off of a post but i was wondering if you knew of a fix to the framerate drop/stuttering only around airports?

Sorry to say not to expect any wonders here: lower the settings, ones that consume video memory first.

I’ve got a question for those who limit the FOV in Oculus Tray Tool: don’t you see the black borders? As for me, they’re annoying, it’s like staring into a tunnel

Yes the lower the number the bigger the border, you can get use to it though. Also you might find horizontal border more annoying than vertical or vice versa if so amend the values to suit ie 0.9 horizontal 0.8 vertical for instance

Essentially the two numbers lower the screen area around the periphery thus lowering the pixels to be rendered providing a performance boost. Experiment with numbers to get a happy position, it does provide a performance boost.
at higher values I don’t tend to notice the borders

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You already stare into a round tunnel to begin with.
I’d rather stare into a fluid square tunnel.
You can get used to it very fast and it really helps your frame rates.

(indeed, busy airports remain choppy)