Here is how to update the Nav DB for the Aerosoft CRJ

You need to have a Navigraph Subscription…


Doesn’t it ship with the Lufthansa supplied Nav data? Or am I thinking of something else?

I am not sure but if you have a Navigraph Sub you can use that to update to the latest.

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the Aerosoft CRJ 550/700 comes with the current AIRAC cycle 2102 included.
Further navdata updates will be provided by Aerosofts NavDataPro service.
You need a NavDataPro subscription to download the newest navdata cycle.

Best regards


They seem about cheaper than Navigraph, and have flexible options, like buying a single cycle.

If you already own a Navigraph subscription it’ll be fine for future updates. For the current cycle keep the included NDP dataset.

So why does the manual state this?

This is not the latest version? What am I missing? I have navigraph, I use Simbrief, it all should match. I have updated it.

Looks like at error. If you go to your crj folder and check the text file with the navdata you should see you’re on 2021

Oh well too late now. I have updated it with my Navigraph sub. It makes a backup so any issues I can revert back.

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Maybe, but the in-sim store mentions this:
Screenshot (24)

I think if you have a Navi Graph Subscription just Update it. Can confirm however the plane does in fact ship with the current cycle.

No installation so far. The program does not find MSFS 2020 on my computer and there is no way to point it to the correct directory.

My CRJ included AIRAC 2102

Aerosoft NavDataPro

AIRAC cycle : 2102
Revision : 1
Valid (from/to): 25/FEB/2021 - 24/MAR/2021

The plane when installed comes with AIRAC 2102 from Aerosoft NavDataPro.

It can be updated by a subscription to either NavDataPro or Navigraph.

Is there a big difference between these two, what would be the better one to use for the crj?
I am not playing flight sims for a longe time and have no clue about AIRAC :smiley:

What i noticed is that there are less airports in the crj nav data than in the default msfs data.

Well basically it keeps your navigation data up to date. If you want to plan flights in the sim it might be ok, but it is best and more realistic to use a proper flight planner like Sim brief.
Sim brief is free to use: and is very easy to use here is a Tutorial on how to use it:

Now once you get into that you will see it is quite important to use up to date Nav Data, you can use old versions but if you want to fly with a bit more realism then a Navigraph sub is money very well spent. If you like the Working title CJ4 mod for example it has Navigraph charts built in and the A320NX will get them soon.

Here is a screenshot of the charts in action in the sim:

The pink plane on the chart is a real time view of my plane in the sim, this is done with an app you get as part of your sub called “Sim Link” it runs in the background, very light weight and relays your aircrfat position the Navigraph which is then put on the charts weather they are on EFB or MFD in real time!!

Now more and more add-ons I am sure will support this (thanks to Working Title). the subscription is less than $20 a month and for what it brings is very good. Honestly I would sub for a month and see if you like. It updates every payware add-on for things Xplane, P3D, it updates MSFS itself and will support all add-ons that rely on it in the future. It is more than just Nav Data, and it really will bring your flight simming up to a another level.

And with a subscription you can unlock the latest nav data in Simbrief too so all your flight plans and sim and the CRJ will all be in harmony. You will then be able to fly SID’s and STARS in a realistic fashion. Of course if you dont care for any of this, then that’s up to you, but IMHO nothing is more satisfying in flight sims, than flying realistically and by the numbers as best you can, and this helps massively.

Just for a little more understanding…
Here is navigraph Chart integration into xplane, not all add-ons will put charts on the PDF or MFD that wouldn’t necessarily be realistic, they quite often realistically go on the EFB or pad next to the pilots as you can see slightly on the left in this screen shot from the amazing Aerobask Phenom 300 for Xplane. And as you can tell 1 subscription covers not only all add-ons that need it but most sims too.

I hope this helps

Thank you very much, really helped me with my decission.
I use Navigraph now and it works fine on the crj.

If i use another aircraft, like the WT cj4 or the a32nx, will it use the navigraph data automaticly?
I installed the fms data for msfs (and the Data for the crj) and now i see many airports with a sign for third patey add on, my sugestion is that it shows that the fms Data is installed correct.
When i use WT cj4 for example i still find airports in the fms that are not marked in the msfs map as third Party. (For example EDIX, a small airport near my home town.)
If i search the same airport in the crj the fms teils me that this airport not exist.
Also my home airport EDHN is marked as third party add on now, but can not find it in the crj fms.

And now i am not sure if navigraph really is installed correct, shoul it not be the same Data in every plane?

I think I read that the CRJ will only display airports with a runway long enough for it to land on.



don’t understang how you update your airac for the crj aerosoft?
in my fmc i have the airac 24feb25mars21 and we are the 5 may 2021

when i launch the FMS DATA MANAGER it didn’t know fs2020 only fsx prepar3d flight simulator 9.

So could you please tell me how you update yoour airac cycle.
i have account from navigraph but i don’t see how to do.


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Login in to your Navigraph account and download this file. When you run it choose MSFS

The FMS manager does not see it, only this application. Also install the MSFS Navigraph Beta