High GPU usage in menu after SU6

The old problem of using the GPU at 100% when navigating the main menu is back. I didn’t miss it. Does it happen to you too?


I have the same issue .

No, I limited framerates a while ago, SU6 did not change anything, so still good to go

Oh my Asobo … why is is the GPU load still around 100 % in 2D window environment … my GPU / CPU reaches nearly 100 Watts and 75C degrees heat during an update for over 3 hours of update time … ■■■■■■ … fixed it

This useless load does happen since the beginning not just from su6
Full 3D power load in a 2D window environment

It never went away for me. It’s always been that way from launch.

It never went away for me either. It’s due to the pointless hangar rendering in the background behind the menu.

Yup, same here PC on full throttle just chilling in the main menu or browsing the marketplace… Oh well, other than that MSFS is running fine for me.

This has been an issue for a long time. Here’s the Wishlist topic for this issue, dated November 2020:

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