High mountain flying & landings

NEW ZEALAND - the bird that came back from the dead

1948: South Island
This T-Bird was considered extinct for a century - until it was rediscovered:

The find created quite a stir and biologists tried to find more survivors in its impassable Fjordland habitat.
The only way at the time was to land with a Float-Beaver or Cub on never-visited alpine lakes and hidden inlets (WPs labelled WL = water landing).

The Takahe survived up to this day only because the rampant deer were later culled by chopper (in the beginning shot, later netted) - a golden opportunity for modders to create adrenaline-kicking heli missions in that wild region:
you might use the YTs (enter e.g. “new zealand deer hunting helicopter”) or contact this living legend:

NZ_fjordland.PLN (5.7 KB)

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