High mountain flying & landings

ITALY: Circuito Aereo Internazionale di Dolomiti

In the 1930s fascist Italy was in an aviation craze. While visiting the USA, Aviator and Generallissimo Italo Balbo was watching the National Air Races and decided to have one in his country.

He choose some of the most spectacular mountains on earth - the Dolomites (its DEM has become reasonable finally!).

Start and finish is LIPB Bolzano, its perfect for contemporary racers (free Wedell 44, Asobo Gee Bee, or Spitfire/Mustang as an avatar for the Schneider Trophy Macchis/Fiats) but fun with any other plane.

Just don’t forget to watch the rock show around you…
ITAL_dolom_race.PLN (8.3 KB)

Follow the 32 WPs, never exceeding 300ft AGL over them, fly thru them rock gaps and dive into the valleys.

To make life easier, WPs are numbered in succession and have an action caption to guide you:
D= dive, C= climb, L/R = left/right, X = extreme

It would be great if a modder would soup it up with pylons…