The increase exposure is, without a doubt, a significant improvement when it comes to the readability of labels and buttons in the cockpit, but now creates a significant amount of bloom and overexposure on screens. Look at the screenshot below, the transponder code on the PFD and the taxiway / runway materials and markings on the MFD are barely readable anymore.
And yes, you can turn down the brightness of the screens (if the aircraft model actaully provides that function), but then they are inevitably too dark when looking out the window again.
I recognize this is a balancing act and not a problem that has one solution working perfectly in all conditions, in the sim just as in real life.
But at least to my eyes the pendulum has now swung a bit too far to the side of overexposure and I would propose a setting in between what we had before and what we have now in the beta would produce more satsifactory results overall?
Would be great if we could collect more opinions on this.
What’s your experience in cloudy conditions?
Are you happy with the current readability of the cockpit and avionics in the aircraft you fly?
I just want the display brightness in the cockpits to return to the logic of MSFS2020. They always seem way too bright in 24, especially at sunrise/sunset.
So one thing I don’t understand, sorry - there are so many bugs - and wish lists - I don’t understand why this has to be changed now. I’ve already had about over 100 hours with the Fenix and had absolutely no problems reading anything - and this is being taken care of although there are 20 more important “construction sites open” - so this kind of development is beyond my understanding!
In real life you have places with light and shadow in the cockpit even in poor lighting coditions, the one above looks like if I had switched on a 1000 watt torch!
Thanks to those of you who have contributed constructively to this topic. I’ve logged an internal feedback item regarding this for the development team to review!
It seems to be working well on my setup (wide screen and Tobii). It only gets brighter if I move my face close to the screen with the panel filling my entire FOV. Even with the screen dimmer I can still read the instruments.
I had a weird artifact in the clouds while on approach to KSBS in the Vision Jet last night. It almost looked like I was between layers, but there was really no evidence of layers - it should have been solid IMC. Basically, the bottom half of the outside world from the horizon down was lighter than the top half. I could clearly discern the horizon from this, despite not being able to see the ground. Great if you want to cheat in IMC, but not so realistic. I’d never seen that before, so I’m wondering if it’s related to this?
The panel brightness was fine as far as I remember.
I can also confirm from my side now after some testing, that something is weirdly overbrightened in the cockpits with the first Sim Update 1 beta.
For me there are two negative factors,
a “general unrealistic overbrightness” of the complete cockpit at daytime and
too bright illuminated buttons especially when dark
One extreme example is the HUD of the C17, it has become completely unreadable.
Same issue but not just related to the clouds. In my case, the cockpit is lit up as if in bright sunlight at dawn/dusk. Thanks for posting. Was about to make my own screenshots – from the Fenix A320 – when I saw your post.
agree, especially in cockpit view the screens in the visionjet g2 are super super bright when you zoom on them, my eyes hurt so much, and i turned on all the lights in my room