Honeycomb Bravo Throttle on Win 11 -- buttons 1 to 7 always pressed

Has anyone had problems with the Bravo Throttle Quadrant on Win 11?

I’ve just upgraded to a new system, bought Win 11 for it given that Win 10 has been EOL’d and I will have this system for more than two years (and publishers are blaming bugs on running new chipsets on Win 10).

I’ve found that the Bravo doesn’t work as expected in MSFS now. Windows, and the Sim, see its Buttons 1 through 7 (the autopilot mode buttons) as constantly pressed. That makes them constantly fight with each other if mapped as usual.

If I unmap them and then try to re-assign them, there are no presses detected because Windows sees the buttons always down. If I assign the modes manually to the buttons by number, the bug returns.

Apparently this also explains the issues I’ve been seeing with the landing gear in some planes.


Has anyone seen this and managed to fix it?

EDIT: seems to be the same problem reported a year ago here:

Coming back to note that this resolved itself after disconnecting and reconnecting the unit to multiple computers, a few times, and also moving all the levers top to bottom and back a few times (while connected).

The problem followed the unit from computer to computer at first, which made me think that something had gone bad with the hardware after all, but then all of a sudden it went back to working normally (and indicating normally in the control panel and the setup window).

So…in conclusion I have no idea what happened here, and whether I should expect it to recur.

But if you find this thread because it’s happening to you, you aren’t the first.

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