Horizon line visible through mountains and objects

I wouldn’t say so and people should still vote if they feel strongly affected. It’s just that we’ve already been told that there is no quick fix.


I cannot speak for the Community team, but I’m not going to close this. It’s a highly-voted bug report that does not violate any rules by being here. And the developers have reversed their positions and moved posts from “Not Planned” before.


You can ignore he thread if you wish. Just set it to muted.

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Throwing in my two cents because for some reason its been worse during my flight tonight than I have EVER seen it before. So here are some photos


another sim update and still there


Yes, flew around a mountainous island earlier and was disappointed that this is still happening,


They’ve relegated the fixing of this issue to “not planned”. It was never planned for this update, and nor is it planned for any update. So I don’t understand why people are surprised that it wasn’t fixed with SU12 :thinking:


We’ve already been told that there is no quick fix and basically live with it until the next version of MSFS.

Maybe we need a banner saying ‘No sim update can fix this so stop asking’

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Absolute rubbish this is in the cant be bothered to fix and not interested as vr we make money from xbox and no vr there.

Not rubbish at all. Sepp said the video engine would need a rewrite from scratch meaning thousands of man hours. Personally I’d rather believe him than I would a disgruntled end user.

PS. it’s not just VR, we all see it and so do xbox.


Yes, it was more obvious this evening than I’ve seen it before.

I’ll be glad when we eventually get a fix for this. It’s intruiging why it is so difficult to fix. Perhaps some more ‘shortcut’ coding from FSX is to blame as you’d never write the code to do this if you were starting from scratch.


But FSX didn’t have such a line. Neither do I recall anyone complaining about it nor did I ever see it myself. It must have crept in during rewrite of the display engine.

Just play this song while you’re flying at dawn/dusk, then you can believe it doesn’t exist.

That kind of thing, IMO it wasn’t discovered until it was too late to change without going back to the drawing board.

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From the homepage

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Just noticed your post after posting this same image myself

Just a rough guess with experience with scenery in FSX at least. As it’s not visible through objects like terminals (at least to my knowledge), I wonder if it’s a hierachy thing so the ocean has absolute priority over anything else. And now it’s too late to change as it would completely break the sim?

Just my thoughts anyway.

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It’s a feature, not a bug :). I think I saw it also on one of the loading screens.

Unfortunately, this sim shares literally nothing with, or from, the FSX version…

The line is there since day one. Seems it is not a bug but more a usless feature. Asobo is aware of it for years now.