Houston we have a problem

Does anyone know how to get past the press any key screen. Can anyone assist me. Is there a MFS guru out there. There must be one geek between all the thousands of you.

Sounds like you’re running an older version as the Press any Key has been removed. What version are you running?

1 Like this one my friend

In that case, something must have gone wrong with your update. I dont have much to offer in the way of advise on that, other than to do the usual things of making sure you also update all the files in the Content manager (difficult if you cant get past press any key), remove any mods you have in the community folder and if that doesnt work a straight out re-install.

That would be my course of action anyway, maybe someone else has some other ideas?

Cheers pal. I’m not the best with computers. You got an idiot’s guide?

Does Microsoft have an online support our phone number?

As far as I know there is only ZenDesk, worth having a look through the known issues to see if there is anything you can try there.

Assuming you bought through MS Store and not steam, I would suggest following some of the guidance with general installation issues in the link below.

[https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015760660-Download-Installation-issues-Windows-Store-troubleshooting](https://MS Store installation issues)

Hope that helps a little. Good luck.

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This topic is a duplicate of one already created by the Original Poster Stuck at 'Press any Key to Continue' I am therefore closing this one.

Thanks for your understanding