I have just bought an Oculus Quest 2 and connected it to my PC with an HDMI 3 cable. The cable is charging the headset but I cannot get the PC to recognise the headset when I try to switch to VR in Ms2020. I just get the message no headset was detected. I am obviously doing something basically wrong, but what? I have also tried connecting it wirelessly with no joy. Any help welcome as I bought the device specifically to run the flight sim.
Did you download the Oculus software to your pc?
Yes. I am thinking of deleting it and reloading in case something did not click.
Does the software show your quest 2 as connected?
If so are you enabling link within the headset?
As far as I can see the software does not show the headset is connected. The only problem that I can think of is the graphics card being incompatible. I have a Radeon RX580 with 8GB of memory which according to the specs given by Oculus should be okay.
The software is now showing the headset as connected. But FS will still not recognize that a headset is connected. I have run a check on the cable and that comes back okay showing a good USB 3 connection.
Will it let you get into Oculus PC home?..Do you have any other PC VR titles you can try first ?
You need to be in Oculus PC home before you launch Flight sim in VR
Thanks for the replies. I am going to leave it until the weekend when I have more time to work it out. Oculus support has given me some advice which involves going into the control panel on my PC and altering some of the settings which I intend to try. I am also more than a bit suspicious about the link cord I am using. It was a cheap buy from eBay. When I moved the USB plug to a different socket it suddenly registered the headset. But I had tried that same socket earlier with no joy. So I have ordered an Anker cable from Amazon that should arrive tomorow and we will see how it goes.
Well good luck but yeah never use cheap cables…Hope ya get it sorted
Known Issues (launching the sim – no updates):
- [Oculus] Before using VR in Flight Simulator with an Oculus headset, the computer needs to know the location of the OpenXR runtime to use. Please follow the steps below to set this location in the registry:
- Right-click on your Start menu and select Run.
- Type in “regedit” (without quotations) and hit Enter. This will launch the Registry Editor.
- Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1
- For ActiveRuntime change its value to the one that matches your platform (note: default path is shown below):
C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\oculus_openxr_64.json - Close the Registry Editor. You are now ready to enter VR with your Oculus headset.
Thanks for that. I intend to have a proper go at getting everything working tomorrow when I have the whole day to devote to it.
You need to put the Quest on your head, and through the menus inside the headset, connect to your PC via Link. You can find this option under the Quick Settings, if you already have the headset plugged into the computer. From there, it will load up a new UI which is the PC-VR Oculus interface. If you’re not doing this step, and it sounds like you aren’t, then it’s not going to work. This is the step that connects the Quest to the PC as a PC-VR headset instead of a standalone one. Simply plugging in the cable is not enough.
Thanks for the advice. I intend to have a go at getting it set up later today. I have bought a new link cable from Amazon which apart from only being 3 metres long instead of the usual unwieldy 5 metres or more is also only half the diameter of the cheaper one that I bought off the bay. So hopefully everything should go okay.
Man. That’s gonna be a rough ride with a 580 gpu. Btw if you ever upgrade, just get the official oculus cable. I know itll sting a bit, but the clarity is pretty good. It’s mostly compression of artifacts in shadows. The reason oculus cable is 5m is because its fiber optic. Common copper cables might drop your speed and quality. Have a good one sir.
Cheers. I did not understand the tech bit but I will try and get it working first and then upgrade from there if I think that it is worth the extra expense. The main problem with the official Oculus cable is that it needs a USBc connection at the computer end which I do not have.
Tried the above and still no joy. Just cannot get the headset to register.
Managed to get it working with Airlink. Now all I have to do is get it working with MSFS. But that will have to wait while the headset recharges.
Not sure how but I have got it to work perfectly with MSFS using Airlink. Plug in a lead and it does not want to know. So I can only assume that for some reason the USB ports on my computer are the problem. Which is odd as everything else dongles, printer etc. plug into various USB ports without a problem.
The only way I know to fix it would be changing the runtime to OpenXR, if you have steam VR open, under settings, and I think then under developer, change the runtime from steamvr, to OpenXR
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I cannot get Openxr to run. I do the regedit bit and get a screen with Hkeylocal displayed but cannot get anything else on the screen. Nothing happens no matter what I click on. I am obviously doing something very basic wrong but cannot work out what.
just find on youtube. Its easy.