How is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 right now

it installed fine after a few hickups last night. Then made the error to restart the sim and entered the dreaded waiting que. Went to bed, fired it up this morning and was flying (in VR) within minutes. Little basic tweaking done and so far I am happy… Every change is hard, especially if it’s not a very smooth proces. But let’s hope within a few weeks and after some patches, we’ll be on track.

can not say,i am even not in the sim,try since release.
so,i say useless for me,
waste of time and money…

I was not able to fly sofar.

However i am a bit worried on “throttling “ of game streaming. I see a lot of complaints about bad graphics …. I hope its notvthe future that graphic streaming will be less the bussief it is !

Finger crossed its just in the first week now everybody is flying due ti being new


I think I’m going to be seeing a lot of the 'bandwidth too low" messages for the next couple of years until I get a full fibre service.

The aircraft seem to be there from the premium deluxe package. Along with some of my purchases from FS2020 local legends and famous fliers. (eg 707, V35, ATR) along with one or two 3rd party ones from marketplace purchases.

The setup chose ‘Ultra’ for me (3090), but I had to turn LOD’s down to get smoother performance. Target is 30FPS at 4K.

I jumped in to look at the Twin Otter (which at first glance isn’t as nice as the Aerosoft one was IMO)

The Twin Otter config has an option to ‘buy more liveries’ :thinking:

It’s all so slow to use though until you get flying. Pick a flight, hit start flight and sits on map screen and waits and waits with no insight into loading progress. If I wasn’t used to FS2020 I’d think it was hung. Probably my slowish broadband though.

On flight boot in, livery initially is missing on the Twin Otter then after a few mins of streaming stuff in it eventually appears. :grimacing:

The pitot heat tags are grey (with no textures), and stays that way.

A fair few few visual glitches. Livery lines still appear after opening a door on the twin otter (which sadly is only the short nose variant) for example.

You are meant to be able to exit the walk around mode by clicking the door handle (it doesn’t work), I looked it up and SHIFT+C shortcut works instead. I’m now in the cockpit.

I start engines up, but no engine sound at all on twin otter (just silence) which is weird. I can only hear atmospheric wind, nothing else and I’m at a busy AI airport too, no other sounds apparent.

Some small GA AI aircraft with pink (missing) textures are taxiing about.

How do you set custom camera views.?(help!) Currently having to use Xbox controller to change views and hat switch on my HOTAS.

Controller mapped buttons are different (& I just use a very basic / default TM Hotas One profile) What was default for parking brake in FS2020 is now a host of other things lie ‘toggle scoops’, ‘toggle g limiter’. ‘toggle lead pole’, & ‘increase door light switch’ :eyes:

The DHC-6 looks a bit rushed/not fully tested/finished yet.

There’s a lot to get to grips with and that’s just the UI. Nothing works as you are used to it in FS2020, I feel like a flight simming newbie again. lol.

Current data consumption 5.5GB and I haven’t flown anywhere yet. lol.

I’m at a default airport EGPF (it’s not the worst looking default buildings wise) but the taxiway textures and lines all look very blurry. Many low res & zig-zagged even. Grass textures have no new 3d grass just low res satellite imagery. Even FS2020 had grass appearing here.

Airborne and it looks nicer from above (but quiet with no engine sound), but man, I’m not sure I like this new UI at all. Why change what we all knew already.

It’s just day one. Things can only get better. Breathe deeply…


Bought it today and downloaded this evening, 2200 Pacific time. No queue, loaded right up and took my first flight. Still some rough spots, but so far, I am quite pleased.

This sim is currently in dire straits. The UI is cheap and feels unfinished. Scrolling though aircraft photos feels like I’m looking at jpgs from 2002. The photogrammetry is worse than 2020. The whole sim feels like a cheap toy compared to 2020. I said this after every System Update, but how do we keep regressing? One step forward, two steps back.

I keep telling myself give it a week for the servers to catch up. Then get a refund if it’s still this bad. I don’t think I’ll make it a week. From Peripheral setup, to actual gameplay… The entire process has been awful. Just awful.


Server issues remain, but once you get in… its a definite improvement over 2020 though rough around the edges.

I can only say that it has been a lot of fun.


Yeah, I have a simple Hotas mouse and keyboard setup right now on the Xbox and things are going quite well.

It breaks my brain to think about reconfiguring all the PC gear, so that will take some time.

And it will take a while for the marketplace to be up and running.

So, for now, I have dived into career mode.

It is fun and addictive. I am impressed with the number of jobs there are in any given area, and how many licenses you will need to pay for and earn.

That alone really might keep me busy for a few weeks at least, just as a career.

if you get in,since release not one flight and not in the sim.
today i try since over 3 h to get in,this is not ok.
so better then 2020,for me not

I’m really struggling with freelook in the cockpit with the mouse, it’s way too sensitive even at the lowest settings.

Loaded up at Munich and a plane just flew past me and right through the control tower…

Took the glider up, it feels great but on my XBX, the planes at the airport pop-in at the last minute, I hope that’s not how it’s going to be in the long term - turning 180 and the planes have all gone, then suddenly they reappear at the last minute.

It’s good when your in career mode but when you go to free flight it lags

Yeah I wish I get an Xbox series x for Christmas cloud gaming sucks I think people that are playing on cloud should stick with MSFS 2020

Performance is horrible. I get 40 FPS and then 6 FPS. I then have to wait on the Taxiway for a few minutes until the framrate kicks back up. Horrible. When I select the A330 KLM livery the entire game crashes. Did they not test their own game?

Still unplayable. I was able to log in but unable to load my plane and fly.

its getting better for me step by step. just had my first flight with which I think was full loaded photogrammetry. but only for a minute before I got the connection error. somehow I dont have sound now. the ui sounds are there, but the aircraft are muted…

I have been flying since 8am this morning, it’s now 10.24am, everything worked fine with only graphical glitches here and there. No queue screen or CTD’s. Fps been hovering around 50fps at 4K with all settings maxed out.

/ Magnus

Yep every time I try free flight the game crashes. And also the ■■■■ with the controller not being found and get’s the keyboard out of it’s ■■■ when I don’t even have the keyboard connected

The keyboard mappings are driving me mad, trying to assign them has caused it to crash twice.

I guess because of streaming the aircraft, you find that the gauges become blurry and impossible to read as they load in/out during a flight. same goes for labels on switches. This would be one reason to download the aircraft rather than stream them I guess. Probably the best option if you have lower bandwidth like me.

On initial impressions I’m quite luke warm about FS2024. There are many obvious improvements with tree types, seasons, antenna, ships etc, but there’s a general landscape softness I’m seeing I’m not sure if its streaming related or whether this is how FS2024 actually is now. FS2020 looks far crisper visually everywhere to me in 4K. FS2024 looks soft & blurry by comparison, and I’m using TAA not DLSS. It flies quite smoothly targeted at 30FPS, but it also looks a bit washed out colour wise & not as vibrant as before. (based on observations on one short flight near my locality).

At least Legacy mouse mode is still an option. I desperately need to be able to set up custom views and familiar key binds though as what it ships with is alien to me.


It’s not even close to usable. Feels like an early alpha. Of course, Windows Store offers no refund option.