Yes, very addictive.
if it’s anything like my ratio shown on Steam, then 2,000hrs of that is downloading patches and sitting in menus tweaking stuff
I’m gonna hit 500 hours on the logbook this weekend! And I’m gonna be in the Wilga when it happens!
No, mostly flying
I don’t know exactly, but something like 270. Not nearly enough!
I need to upgrade some peripherals. I just have the Logitech yoke and throttles. I use my racing pedals as rudders. That works well for now. But my next upgrade is going to be the FlightSimProjects Airbus side stick and the Warthog magnetic base. Then maybe ThrottleTeks mini box. Pricey. But we can’t die with our money!
I just started this hobby in late October and have accumulated 57 hours of flight time and 126h total time in the game. Yikes. Loving every second.
The realism is unbelievable. I got a little bored you could say just flying around. But once I started Vatsim, it just transformed how much I’m into this game.
No, that’s how long the application has been running. Your flight time is wheels up to wheels down (what is captured in the log book).
I certainly don’t have 1,394 flight hours, I have just under 700. Almost 50% is non flight.
I’m around 380 hours.
That’s why I said mostly flying. Not hanging in the menu for a long time, and of course minus WASM compiling and loading. And does it really that matter? I just wanted to show how hooked I’m on the flight sim.
Just passed 666 hours myself!
You’re getting close to 500 hour club! Check out the old thread, have to get it going again!
Yes. I was referring to logbook hrs. 314 as of today!
I’ve logged 1030!
My stats haven’t worked since October.Wont record flight hours or anything in the logbook after I exit the Sim.I had like 1134 hours,then it went back to 1070 October 24th and hasn’t worked since.I’ve reinstalled twice with no luck.Yes I know about Developer mode.I don’t have that on.Have probably spent about 50 hours or so in the Merc driving around as well.Reckon if this still worked I’d have around 1400 hrs over 2 and a bit years.Around 2 hours a day I guess.
That’s what I said, half
1300 hours in logbook, and enjoying it!!!
Yeah yeah, you were right
1200hrs here.