How Many of You Are Flying Base/Deluxe/Premium Aircraft Regularly?

Since I am “suffering from this”:

I decided to take the Robin DR400-100 up for a flight and I’m absolutely loving it.

I really do enjoy it being so underpowered as it forces you to really feel the airplane and fly it carefully enough to not stall. I dig the vintage airplane chill-out-and-enjoy-the-ride vibes it produces, too.

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if I could say my situation, I’ve returned to big planes after many years on sims. GA is and was still most used category but now fly also A310 and PMDG 737, also very good FBW A320. What is more funny, I’ve never liked Collins Avionics in CJ4 but somehow now :smiley: this plane is very preffered to me. All can be just question of time and personal feeling, experience. My all time most hours used is PA34V2, I very like what Carenado did. TBM930 is my next winner for ‘personal’ flights. Helicopters are special area of my interest from my child era, especially now I like so much Cera Mi171 and hope it will be updated regularely to be one of the best heli in its category.

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I have the freeware Regent version as well, and fly the standard one as-is. I only modified the default(and Regent) with a knots ASI and use the tablet mod at times. I tried a few FM mods but the default is pleasant without them. It’s my hourly ‘rental’ in Europe(Archer II with the pants removed usually in the US) for short hops and circuits.

Toggled on autopilot and FD in the config and got rid of the pushback dude. I just use AP if I’m droing around and have to stick it heading/alt hold if I’m called into duty by the kids or Mrs for a few minutes.

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For my part this is mostly a matter of preferences, meaning the aircraft that is modeled and not who modeled the aircraft:

C172 (both)
G58 (rarely)
TBM (rarely)

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I have not been using base deluxe aircraft because there were not enough small or regional aircraft that were default aircraft because I don’t really do long haul flight, I am flying payware aircraft because the only small default airliner was the a320 the 787 never felt right flying it because the 757 and a330 would have catered more to what other routes I fly which is medium to regional airline routes

i fly them regularly because i find they have the least bugs of all

when sightseeing:
Flight design CTSL
Cub X
Beechcraft Bonanza

airline flights:
base a320 when i’m feeling lazy or i dont have too much time
a310 when i’m for a more in depth experience (although its a bit bugged in my view)
currently exploring the A320v2, first imrpessions, i like it
787 when i’m feeling for a more high tech spaceship like experience

TBM or Mu-2 (although the Mu is quite buggy as well)

i fly no third party a/c for the moment, but when PMDG777 comes out i will most likely buy it

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The only base planes I like to fly without improvement mods are the CJ4 and TBM 930.

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I like the Cessna 152 a lot, but the Ford Trimotor, which I picked up when it was free, and the Hughes H-4 are among my all time favorite planes.

I also like the Diamond DA 42, but wish there was more interactivity in the cockpit. I would love to be able to open the doors, for instance.

Today I noticed a detail on the Robin DR400-100 that I never noticed before.

It has a pitot cover with a hanging tag. You can see this in its “key frame” image in the aircraft selection grid. You can see it much more clearly and in higher detail level in My Hangar.

When you load into the aircraft it’s magically been removed!


You are right. I misremembered that one. I didnt upgrade cause I couldnt justify paying that amount of money for basically getting only one plane that i was interested in.

My mistake.

Pretty much exclusive to payware.

TBM930 is great
DA40NG is pretty good too.

I’m flying the Beaver right now and I had completely forgotten how incredibly good this is.

What an awesome base-sim aircraft to have access to.

I’m going to be all over this in 2024 when we see improved water physics.

Vancouver Island, here I come!


C172 Steam Gauge
TBM 930

And a couple others w/ mods: DC-3, C152, Monster NX Cub, FBW a320

I fly payware aircraft too, but many of the default aircraft are quite good and several have gotten significantly better since release.

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They really are, and are so easy to overlook.


but the prop is red lining now!
didnt do that before

Not to turn this into a DA40NG thread, but I’m looking at all the files and I cannot, for the life of me, understand where/how the mechanism for an automatic constant speed propeller is coded.

I know that the prop RPM “mechanism” is directed by a proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID), but it’s my understanding that the PID still requires an input from the propeller lever to “do its thing”.

I’m just not seeing where in the code for the aircraft the whole automatic system is modelled. (Is it modeled? is that why it is pegging the RPM at MAX, because there is no code to automatically adjust it based on load?)

I’d love to fix it.

Ah, sidetracking your own thread, I see what you are doing here OP :wink:

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Is the Beaver a default plane? I have Premium Deluxe and I don’t seem to have it.

I’ve actually been tinkering a bit with some of the default planes I’ve ignored for the four years of FS2020. I even flew a helicopter around Dubai, failing rather miserably trying to land it on top of that building :slight_smile:

Also flew the Pilatus PC6 a bit…not bad.

Yes it was released with the 40th Anniversary Edition of the sim. All of that content was absorbed into the base sim.

I’ve flown these quite a bit. There are a few odd bugs that really need to be fixed (depending on which one of them you’re flying), but overall they are quite good.


Here’s a screenshot of the Beaver’s Aircraft Selection tiles:

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