How much would you pay for bugless AI ATC & Traffic in MSFS?

I am very interested how imporant it is to you. I would pay 50€

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In the beginning it was very important to me and would have absolutely purchased an addon that could achieve functional AI Traffic (main points being fly at correct altitudes, vacate runways at appropriate speeds and avoid go arounds, taxi to and from gates appropriately).

However, I’ve had it turned off for quite sometime as I only fly on VATSIM now, that traffic is pretty bugless :slight_smile:

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Personal Comments and Observations

AI Traffic can’t be improved until the core sim flight planning logic is made fully AIRAC compliant in the same manner as Working Title has made all the Garmins (less G3X) and the PL21.

Only then can ATC, Traffic start reacting and acting more compliant with expected behaviors, and it even opens up Weather opportunities such as dynamic routing requests (i.e., deviation for bad WX).

That’s not something that more money will solve. It takes time, effort and analysis. But more importantly, there are precursor milestones such as finishing off the FMS improvements in the base Asobo stock aircraft portfolio. Notably, none of the commercial jetliners have received the treatment, yet they need to in order to talk to an AIRAC compliant FP system.


Not important so 0 €,£,$

sans the occasional tween thinking he can take off the opposite of what ATIS says :wink:



FSLTL is just fine; it’s free; and, if used, creates a believable experience–albeit, quite the FPS-killer if you aren’t careful.

Just my opinion–I could be wrong…


Nothing, as I don’t think the in-sim traffic is as bad as people make out. I only use live traffic, and lord knows it’s not perfect, but it’s not so bad that the sim’s ruined for me.


Wish I’d said that because it is true and spot on…

I’m happy with FSLTL. I usually fly in and out of smaller airports so AI traffic isn’t that important to me.

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I have to admit that I would not pay anything additional for “Bugless Built-In AI Traffic” .

I prefer VatSim, where all traffic is piloted by a human, has human controlled ATC interaction and pilots that follow ATC rules and instructions.

When I want to just fly unrestricted and see other humans “messing around in the sky’s and having fun” I will just fly in MSFS with all traffic and NO AI traffic.


Asobo needs to expose the AI subsystem fully via an API so 3rd party developers can create real solutions. I would then happily pay $60 for a feature-rich, reliable and non-FPS killing 3rd party product.

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For me it is the top priority, the program is very good in all others areas. I know it´s not something you can buy today, but if it were, i´d pay a considerable amount. I´m am MSFS user since FS4,0 version, and in all of them we´ve had great ai traffic systems. That was the biggest flaw of this version, and i hope to have a solution with the SU12

Thank you. Its great that we get that insight on what has to be done first.

Now I am crossing my fingers that Working Title works their magic on the default A320, B747, and B787 for next AAU… (Oh, ok. I will stop crossing my fingers. Its too darn hard to type this way…)

Well, everyone place their bets. :sunglasses: Two more AAUs in 2023!


Zero. Traffic isn’t the problem, ATC is.


I changed topic name, because I meant ATC&Traffic. I thought it would be clear that they are one…

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I’d pay $50 or $60 for better ATC, sure. Vatsim traffic isn’t the answer because there’s not enough of it. On any given day, there might be 3 or 4 Vatsim aircraft in my local FIR, and that’s a ~1 million square kilometer area (and once or twice a week you might also actually have a single controller online). It’s hardly realistic for a lot of us.


PSXT is the best a I’ve seen so far. But, I have to pay $10 a month to get the data for it. This was supposed to be free in MSFS. Would like to have it finally working properly in default sim.


I just want ATC to stop sending me into mountains on IFR flights. :wink:


I don‘t desperately need any flying traffic, I‘d be happy to have the correct airlines and some GA sitting at the gates, looking awsome. The workd feels empty without them and I don‘t even bother to use the large and beautifully modelled addon airports if the gates are abandoned. But unfortunately every traffic addon must move and they all tell you it will behave erratically and yes, it does. Like a 737 leaving the runway at 100 knots making a huge turn across the whole airport „taxiing“ through hangars and terminals. Yup, FSLTL. And the FPS are really bad using them. I‘d be happy if it qas possible to simply place airplanes at the correct airports and taxi by them.