How’s your CRJ experience going?

Probably VNAV, there have been more than a few people complaining about the bad auto-throttle behaviour so that may be it.

Of course, the CRJ doesn’t have an auto-throttle so it requires piloting skills to follow a decent path…

For me, the 700 loaded fine twice but now my sim is a CTD fest. Sigh. I’ve only ever had two kinds of CTD before (one was a Carenado issue and the other only happened once, ever) so it shouldn’t be too hard to work out.

What do you guys think should i deinstall and then reinstall the sim?

Not if the other aircraft work. You should just make sure you are using it properly.

  • Start cold and dark
  • Battery ON
    *Open the APU door
  • When opened, start the APU
  • Verify that the APU temperature starts increasing.

Something like that.

The EFB should run from it’s own battery. If you click on the EFB and give it a few seconds it should boot up. Select the Aircraft tab and on the right hand side you can select how you want the aircraft to be - cold and dark, turnaround, ready for startup, ready for taxi and set the default. Try those.

Did three flights with the CRJ. All went well, and a big change from the broken aircraft currently in FS2020. No issues at all with Autopilot.
A word of caution, speed management during descend and approach is very crucial to a safe and enjoyable landing. :wink:


im always starting in ,in the turnaround but the batterie switch is off and when i turn it on nothing happens and i cant go to the taxi preset because the efb is not working

If you click the screen of the EFB it will boot up

i know when i click on it the screen will just stay grey and there is no booting animation

OK, so if I start on the runway the aircraft works. If I load at a heavy gate or ramp CTD. Ive tried two airports.

Interesting. Can someone start a flight at YSCB using and of the large gates or ramps and let me know what happens please?

Then I don’t know, sorry. Try to restart the flight and try it again?

im going to try to start on a runway to see if it works

Going good for me-am using my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro to fly the CRJ.

it didnt work…

Suggest you remove any mods you’ve got, just in case, do a reboot of your pc and try again

i have already deleted everything inside my community folder

the guys from aerosoft havent responded yet…

and now im stuck with a 50 euro plane that doesnt works great…

Don’t know why the EFB isn’t working

This is was M. Kok from Aerosoft wrote:
Rain Effects - Frequently Asked Questions - AEROSOFT COMMUNITY SERVICES

Windshields in MFS are at this moment two dimensional (so they have infinite thinness) and any rain effect is so displayed on the inside of the windshield glass which should be normally dry.

Windshield wiper effects are not available yet as they are still not implemented in the sim.

These limitations will be hopefully overcome during the next weeks. As soon as the needed technical features are available to us, we will immediately update the windshield section and make the window wiper effect available.

i think im going to deinstall and then reinstall msfs