How to Backup (and Restore) your LogBook + other backup options

So here is my “very Unofficial” work around – PLUS Potential LogBook saver.

YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK - Make sure you understand what you are doing before proceeding.

Basically, you end up backing up all your Configuration Data , that would normally reside on the MS Cloud server, so that when things go wrong you have a backup.

(1) You backup up your configuration as often as you feel necessary, so that at any time, if you loose your Logbook, you have a recent enough backup, that you have not lost too much.

(2) You also make a backup of your setting, when you have set your system to OFFLINE.
This will allow you to at least Start MSFS, if the MS servers are down, or you have lost Internet. Not 100% ideal, but a lot better than nothing.

So what do you need to backup …

The Folder ( and all its contents) called WGS,

It is two folder back towards your Drive root from your Community folder, in SystemAppData.

You can make multiple copies of your WGS folder there, giving each one a descriptive name

etc etc , whatever you feel comfortable with.

Then which ever one you want to use, you backup the current WGS as say WGD-bu, and make a copy of the one you want, renaming it to WGS.

If you have effectively RESTORED to a Backup (one that was saved when you were online), the when you start MSFS, assuming your PC can talk to the server, it will give you a choice of the Configuration on the server, or your earlier dated backup.

Since you are doing this because when you now start MFS, you Logbook is gone from the configuration on the server, you obviously will pick the older dated backup configuration.

If the servers are down, and you just HAVE to run MSFS, you first backup your current WGS, and then restore the one that was saved when MSFS was set to OFFLINE Mode,

Warning: Backups may not always be compatible across system Update, but at least you have a way to make a backup, and a way to restore that backup, so hopefully you will never loose your hard earned LOGBOOK again.

Once again –
YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK - Make sure you understand what you are doing before proceeding.


And for Steam users, to backup your logbook you simply need to backup the file kh_logbook, nominally located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOUR_STEAM_USER_ID\1250410\remote directory, as often as you need. I back mine up daily. At the very least, back your logbook up before you join or leave an MSFS beta or just before a SU release.

To restore your logbook to your last backup, first rename the current kh_logbook to kh_logbook.bak in case anything goes wrong then copy your desired backup kh_logbook into the logbook directory. When you start MSFS, your logbook will have been restored to that backup logbook.

I have performed this process multiple times, especially when leaving the SU9 beta which hosed the logbook going back to SU8, and it works. I also lost my logbook when I accidently logged out and then back in to my xbox account on MSFS and again my backup/restore process saved the day.


If that Steam Logbook “Human Readable” or just a mess of Binary ?

I am wondering if it was Editable by the user …

Why so easy for the Steam users, but yet so difficult for the MS-Store customers. ?

The steam logbook is binary, so not human readable unfortunately.

Wonder why there is no LogBook Editor (Yet) … now you have me looking at the Logbook.js

Good job guys. I’ve been backing up mine as well, especially before and after beta like @ResetXPDR (Steam)

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Always keep your LogBook Safe & Secure

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Hi Guys,

I have made a MSFS Logbook Analyzer, that can read the local logbook file and export some of it’s contents to a CSV file.

I am still doing some tests, but it can already export:
. Date/time of the flight
. Aircraft
. Departure and arrival airport (if any)
. Departure and arrival coordinates
. Type of flight
. Path (list of coordinates traveled through)
. Elapsed time

I have made hundreds of tests with my own logbook files, but I would like to start testing with some other people’s files.
If you are interested in providing your logbook file and receiving the CSV back to analyze, you’ll be welcome. Please contact me so we can arrange how we should exchange the files.

I have also made a new forum post with this information, if you want to follow it up there: Logbook Analyzer

Best regards,


Hi guys,

The online version of the Logbook Exporter is available in a beta version, free of charge, on the following link:

Please try it and comment below!


I am attempting your restoration process and I must be missing some step here.

I have a copy of my wgs from 13AUG2023. I’ve removed the current wgs and copied the 13th’s wgs into SystemAppData.

However, when I launch the sim, I’m not prompted for which version I wish to use. It says it’s syncing and overwrites the old version with the current version as saved on the cloud.

How do you get the sim to actually prompt you for which version you wish it to use?


Ok, here are some instructions that might clarify how to do this process.

Setup Microsoft Store for Offline Permissions:

  • Launch Microsoft Store from Windows
  • Click profile in top right corner of Store window
  • Choose Settings
  • Set Offline permissions to On
  • Launch MSFS to allow Windows to set it up for offline use (this is a completely passive step, just launch the sim)
  • Once the sim has fully loaded, quit it.


  • With the sim not running, backup your wgs directory
  • Location: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\SystemAppData


  • Disconnect your PC from the Internet
  • Replace your current wgs directory with the one you backed up
  • Launch the sim with PC disconnected from the Internet
  • Be advised you may see a dialog box stating something about not being able to authenticate your copy of the sim. Just clear this box via the button and allow the sim to continue to launch
  • In my case, the sim’s loading screens were just the generic MSFS splash screens and the launch took a little bit longer, but it did completely load
  • Go to Profile and note your Hours are what they were when you did the backup
  • Reconnect to the Internet, if desired, and remember to go to Options > General Options > Data and turn on Online Functionality
  • Breathe easy

Be advised, the next time you launch the sim whilst connected to the Internet you will be prompted to choose which version of your data you wish to use – the newer local data or the older cloud data.

Ensure you select local.

I hope this helps.


I know this is an old post but the key here is to reconnect to the internet while MSFS is still running after you’ve loaded it up from the backup and you’re on the home screen. It should then re-sync with Xbox and then next time give you the pop-up to use the local files upon your next load of MSFS.


I followed this exactly and at the point after starting FS offline, where I had the old logbook restored, I turned on my wifi, switched FS to online mode, then did a clean exit from FS.

Started FS again, got the prompt to use either the older or newer version of profiles. I chose to use the newer since that should be the one just previously saved when I quit last. And in fact the time stamp on the files in wgs correspond to when I quit with the old logbook loaded in sim.

But old Logbook did not appear on this restart. Just a new nearly empty one. Seems the only way I can see or perhaps add flights to old logbook is by running and staying offline.

Strange, I’ve used the technique I outlined above a number of times recently when my logbook has been wiped.

This was as recently as 14 days ago.

I’m not sure why it doesn’t work for you, did you try it again?

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You have to restore your WGS backup, with MSFS closed, then when you start the sim, select the LOCAL version.
Then just to make sure the cloud one gets updated, close MSFS cleanly via its menu system, and then it should have written that locally restored version back to the Cloud, for next time you start MSFS,

Its a WORK AROUND, not Ideal, but it does work.

Of course, it relies on you making regular copies of the WGS folder… which i do in a batch file that runs every time before it starts MSFS.

OVERKILL maybe – I have 100’s of backed up wgs folders now !!!
ie 100’s of backup copies of my Log book, as it has changed over the past year !!