How to change the symbol in the GPS?

Hello, just a quick question but how can I change this symbol into a aicraft symbol? I found with this circle icon its hard to see which heading you are flying at the moment

Do you have any Garmin improvement mods running? If yes, try to remove them.
Anyway, this is strange, usually you should see a little plane. Are you in any non standard mode in the Garmin?

No i didnt have any other garmin mods installed and didnt change anything or useing a non standard mode

As WildTapestry269 posted above you should see a plane on the Garmin screen.

I’m not a RL pilot just a long term simer but I can’t recall ever seeing this before.

If you have any mods at all installed (ie any non Garmin mods) in the Community Folder then it might be worth a shot temporarily uninstalling these (I use addon linker so that would be a quick test for me) to see if it makes any difference.

Out of interest have you got the Garmin mod installed which is in FS20 content screen?

That is indeed strange - is this happening when you start cold and dark and first power on the Garmin, or did you already changed something (switched to other modes)?
After power up I am 100% certain, there is a little plane, at least for the G3000, I am using. But I think this is also true for G1000.
Anyway I dind’t find a map symbol corresponding the white circle in the G1000 manual.

This happened when i start cold&dark in the C172

I have seen the GPS icon be replaced by a BOAT icon, when I had a certain Marine Mod installed…

Mods should not be writing to the base sim (by mistake) !!

Try pressing MENU, and go to Map Setup under Options. It might be related to selecting the map orientation. I think I have mine set to HDG UP.

Thx but i checked this already, doesnt solve the issue

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Ok I did some testing: I use the TBM930, so G3000: I started a flight cold an dark → all behaved normal. I landed and shut the plane down, then restart the plane and there I saw the circle as long as the G3000 not fully booted. After all systems were back online also the little plane was there again and from there the second flight was normal to.

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With the TBM/G3000 i dint have this issue…its only on the smaller Garmin unit in the cessna

I have this problem in msfs2024 in the Cessna 172 (only one I tried so far). Can’t seem to find a setting for this. 100% sure it was a plane icon in 2020.

I have the same… ㅠㅠ

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See existing report:

Same here for me

Same for me. NO mods at all.

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Same for me and have no mods

Same. No mods. Series S

Same for me XBOX X.

Same on the C172 PC version (ms-store)