How to increase mesh lod?

Hey guys, so I’ve increased my scenery lod and object lod via cfg config.

However what I want is to increase the mesh lod, how to go about that? I’m flying in the newly updated Alps and they seem good up close, but distance mountains still seem pretty frumpy. I want to have the increased mesh detail further away to have more realistic looking mountains.

Is this possible? And if so, how? Thanks

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Mesh LOD is tied into the terrain LOD in the UserCfg file. Bumping this up will increase the draw distance of elevation data. However, be warned, this comes with a pretty big performance hit. I tried to highlight these changes in a post a while back. Perhaps you might find this useful:


It also mainly depends on the DEM data currently provided. With WU6 Germany Austria and Switzerland got new DEM. But they are not of the same quality. Switzerland is best, followed by Austria with Germany finishing last by a wide margin. You often won’t be able get mountains to look perfectly real. That would require a 1m DEM (or better) and that’s something most computers can’t handle. On there’s an experimental 1m DEM for Vorarlberg (Austria) by Mikeeat.
Italy has still got the same DEM as a year ago, so most mountains look awful no matter were you set your LOD. Only way to change that is 3rd party DEM.

The Freeware DEMs by Troglodytus will give you better draw distance. Quality is similar to WU6


The next sim update should give you the option to double the draw distance which includes DEM, so that should make it look better.

thanks guys.

I’ve increased my terrain lod to 4.0

LoDFactor 4.000000}

But the mesh still looks smooth and frumpy from any distance. I have an RTX3090 so I’m wondering how far I can push this up before the performance hit is too much. I’m OK with the actual ground ortho textures and the object lod distances. They are both photo-real. It’s just the silly mesh holding us back :stuck_out_tongue:

What would you recommend putting the terrain lod at to get the best mesh details?

With a 3090, you could go to 4 or 6. I used 6 for a while with mostly no issues, but certain cities brought my rig to its knees with FPS dropping to below 20. I couldn’t stomach that type of self-inflicted performance loss, so I brought it back to 4. You could always adjust this based on where you fly.

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hmm, I wonder if there’s a way to increase just the mesh lod and not the building/city draw distance. those seem like very different things that should have separate settings.

Does the object lod setting not controls how far away buildings are drawn too?

LoDFactor 3.000000

Buildings and trees, DEM LOD and photogrammetry

Object LOD affects draw distance of building, trees, DEM, and photogrammetry? now i’m more confused.

i thought Terrain LOD setting affected DEM/Mesh lod

It seems it affects everything, how far trees and buildings are drawn and according to Sebastian in the last Q&A also DEM detail and photogrammetry draw distance.

Currently there is no other option… object level of detail is about how detailed the objects such as buildings are from distance. It is not about the draw distance of the building but details on the building itself like aircon units etc. Trees LOD is also like that, not about the distance, but details.

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Gotcha, that makes sense. I care less about object lod then as i’m usually too high for details anyway. more of a distance guy. ok i’ve set my cfg with new settings we’ll see how they go. you think this looks good?

LoDFactor 6.000000
Enabled 1
Quality 3
LoDFactor 3.000000

I have never made any changes in the config file so I cannot comment, but in about a week or so we will be able to increase terrain LOD from 200 to 400 in the sim. Sebastian said the performance hit is not big. We will see. I do not fly high usually so I think 300 would be enough for me. Right now, with 200 I can still clearly see where LOD stops and also I hate popping mountains, so that should improve it a bit.

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